Empowering (Muslim) women = microfinance to female entrepreneurs
not here to defend religion
however, Muslim women have ALWAYS had the right to own wealth/property & run businesses
AND stop funding warlords (increase safety)
AND invest in education and infrastructure
we can actually save our own darn selves, thank you very much
like @Yunus_Centre my dad grew up in the village
walked 6 miles to school (boat in monsoon season)
Now, I’m a Harvard grad @HarvardChanSPH and @AKUGlobal grad
For instance, I admire @Malala
Do we give credit to her dad?

(false outrage vs #SuperBowlHalftimeShow by @JLo & @shakira was racist - they dressed no more/less than #nfl cheerleaders)
my beef is with exploitation of Orientalist fetish/trope
personal brand needs to empower across full diversity spectrum

No, a depleted, exhausted woman on her knees with no other resources but self harm
to provide for her child
is NOT beautiful
her ❤️ is beautiful, yes
Pay her
Fund her

...AND make room for diverse spectrum of masculinity
“We may struggle alone, but together we heal."
@lizzo @reshmasaujani @GirlsWhoCode
have the humility to ask them
THEIR realities & values
THEIR hopes & dreams
transfer power/resources/tools for them to do it themselves
SO many Muslim women & men doing that for own communities @SaniaNishtar
we don’t need to create or imagine:
women with hands
dancing to Arabic music
we have actual children maimed
who could have lived very different lives
Land mines kill mostly children
But when you fetishize, demonize, and dehumanize...
...do you even SEE these children?
They are in their own homes, lands
just trying to grow up
Include women of color as well as women with disabilities
Make space for men who are building safe, functional societies
Be intersectional
@threadreaderapp please unroll. Thanks.