Some of her videos have her naked except for hijab
This is a common fetish/fantasy
NOT empowering…
And exactly how “empowered” he sees me - no he sees Shakira dancing with her wrists bound
Views on porn aside: $12K for top ranked videos - is that fair compensation? Is that a woman empowered?
Do NOT market sick sexual slavery tropes to American men
Orientalist stereotypes
That affect ME in my interactions with those same men in work settings
Do not sell me out for your fame & profit
= submissive “daughter” role
Not a full exec on team
No, do not now add image of Eastern woman dancing with wrists bound
who felt SO comfortable that he even put this in writing in an email:
“I have never seen an *ss your color naked before”
Is he collecting pelts? Place tiger next to lion on hunter’s wall
there, I am a normal human being as opposed to exotic fetish
reinforced by Orientalism in halftime show
not saying the Pakistan is perfect for women
This is creepy tho
Where sexualization of women, commodification of female sexuality is part of business meeting “entertainment” for execs
What does it mean for women execs?…
If male execs are viewing women as bodies first in business meetings
and women are selling racial and cultural stereotypes through costumes
how do those men view women in the workplace who should be peers?
to be “saved” from our supposedly awful fathers, brothers, husbands, etc
“liberated” from veil
Well who is “saving” me from the guy with the weird Orientalist fetish
now perpetuated by an American woman of color?
Am I safer here?
Let’s look at stats
3 women dying per DAY sounds pretty high to me…
More U.S. stats, this time, pregnant women:
“Intimate partners are perpetrators in two-thirds of the murders. Victims are predominantly younger and people of color.”…
LOTS of violence vs women, yes
BUT also much violence vs men who lack privilege, power, protection
That is how patriarchy, tribalism, and privilege work - “wrong” man is at risk too…
In U.S. I am at intersection of gender, race, religion with a dash of Orientalism for added spice
In Pakistan, I “only” have to deal with gender issues, no fetishes
The first time was last time I saw Nutcracker by @BostonBallet - same racist tropes in choreography
This different but implies slaves
brother pitted against brother
to end slavery
still with deep unhealed wounds, festering
Slavery defined by skin color
Yet a woman of color *chooses* to dance as a slave to Arab music in Superbowl?!?!
cuz (primarily white) slim cheerleaders wear as little or less
two female performers can choose their dress
BUT not okay to create Orientalist “slave woman” image
But if someone wants to think about me, here is the first Muslim woman who was pretty darn empowered for her time
...even by today’s standards…
her university founded in 859
is still is running today as the oldest continuously running degree-granting university in the world…
Hadid, who died in March 2016 at age 65, shattered many glass ceilings in the field of design.”…
but I do appreciate American Muslim women of color creating diversity a role models & images
strong female role models who are complex and nuanced
American & Muslim
Athletic & feminine
Outspoken while dressing per her beliefs/comfort
which addresses bullying:…
Given uptick of -isms and phobias (racism, xenophobia, Orientalism, Islamophobia), consider buying this book for school, library, gifts, your kids, etc.…
“women who learned to navigate the complexities of being Muslim in a country where we were often seen as oppressed, voiceless or just plain weird. Where we were seen as ‘other.’”…
or legislating hijab bans or requirements
we could address other things like health
especially of interest to me is health of older women immigrants who self neglect, lack support…
Not holding my breath on that one.. but I can dream & hope, can’t I?
Treated as childlike, unable to recognize our own “oppression”
Yet many Muslim nations have had female heads of state…
Don’t use me or my sisters in faith for:
“Her speech solidified the West’s rhetorical commitment to rescuing Muslim women from oppression, rationalizing war through the so-called greater goal of emancipating Muslim women”…
Not in my name, no - your bombs do not liberate women…
Fascination, fetish, objectification, infantalization.…
“when she heard a drone fly overhead, she became terrified. ‘Because of the terror, we shut our eyes, hide under our scarves, put our hands over our ears.’”
Fear also means kids not allowed to attend school…
To “save” Muslim women 🙄
BUILD infrastructure
PAY women & non-violent men
INVEST in education
I know, what weird ideas if you want peace…
There would be more loans to female entrepreneurs…
“‘Banker to the Poor’
Professor Muhammad Yunus ..belief that credit is a fundamental human right. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty”…
Anger/frustration channeled to violence, including against civilians, is the issue.
That sounds like a toxic version of masculinity.…
“save” Muslim women?
What am I missing?…
Pakistani origin
Mughal roots
All make me: resilient, strong, complex, outspoken, tenacious, versatile, faceted, a foodie, a lover of beautiful fabrics & colors, word lover, social justice warrior
What I am NOT:
image of halftime show slave woman
fix BIG problems, “wicked problems”
Fellow women of color: STOP invoking Orientalist tropes to “sell” to white male gaze that fetishizes other WOC (me)
Because let’s honor & celebrate beauty and power of wise women full of peace thru hardship…
@YPPLaureate @NaomiNye6B @nye_naomi