The #Coronavirus IS airborne. It can be spread through the air EVEN if the infected person isn't present
Previously many doctors advice was to maintain a 1-2m distance and not wear a mask. This advice is now useless! 1/n
N95 masks with a respirator are more important than ever now!
#nCoV2019 #coronaviruschina
Sina is a mainstream respected news site in China.…
The NHC is the CDC equivalent of China. You will need a translator or image translate.
The Chinese report says "飞沫混合在空气中"
This means that the virus can infect over a distance of a few hundred meters and potentially even more. If this ain't fucking airborne I don't know what is.
I'm not sure what's going on as the NHC and the CDC in China have direct conflicting information now. Maybe this was to reduce the panic? 11/n