"Official" numbers & global news. "Official" numbers to be updated this afternoon.
34,957 confirmed globally
725 deaths - 1 US citizen in Wuhan/60 yr old Chi-Am woman on Thur.
6,101 serious
2,050 recovered
27,657 suspected
Total incl. 64 cruise ship + 4 asymptomatic not in official gov't count
New weekend thread #CoronaVirusUpdates #CoronavirusOutbreak
@DoodlesTrks @NHMommy1 @LJT_is_me @turnbolt11 @jellen805 @mizdonna
CHI gov't ordered Wuhan roundup of all suspected of close contact w/mass quarantine camps.
Door to door roundup of suspected carriers.
2 cruise ships still quarantined - Japan & Hong Kong
3rd ship still wandering as not allowed to dock.
34,957 global confirmed cases
725 deaths - up by 88 in 1 day 🦠🚨
More than 10% increase in 1 day in total deaths
Norwegian Cruises & Royal Caribbean bans on CHI passports regardless of residency
Nor Cruises:
anyone who traveled to CHI in last 30 DAYS
Royal Carib:
Anyone who traveled to CHI in last 14 days
CNBC image 1
NBC image 2
#CoronavirusFrance France-s no travel to China unless "imperative"
France closes schools near ski resort to determine infected person w/ 11 Britons hospitalized in France w/ 5 confirmed w/ Coronavirus
NOTE early warnings, why testing limited due to too stringent early qualifiers, & NOTE progression of #Coronavirus weeks 1 through 3 of infected.
3rd week death rate 4-5%
Several of us discussed details of this earlier this week as well.
#CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronaVirusUpdates
Infected person does not have 2BE in the room. Suspended virus particles mix w/oxygen particles in the air & float.(not bonds as corrected later in thread).
#CoronavirusEpidemic #Coronavirus
Wired article I read earlier. RT'd by Dr. Scott Gottlieb below.
Within the next 24 hours, Coronavirus 6 weeks outbreak deaths will exceed SARS 9 months deaths.
Westerdam denied port call in Guam by State Dept.
CDC did not release Bayonne, NJ ship. Await more test results/may leave Mon. 4 negative so far
#coronavirusupdates #Coronavirusepidemic #coronavirus
Further supports the need for 21 day coronavirus quarantine.
Hubei (Wuhan) province only update:
- 2,147 new cases
- 81 new deaths
- 324 new discharged (daily high)
- Serious/critical rises to 5,247
WaPo paywalled article says he was went to school in AZ and worked at Berkeley. Not sure if it includes the fact he was working @ Huazhong University or not.
H/T @NHMommy1
37,567 confirmed globally
813 deaths up from 806 earlier which exceeded all SARS deaths
6,188 serious
2,649 recovered
28,942 suspected
The DB article earlier was light on details.
"Abundance of caution"
54 yr old Royal Caribbean crew member dead. Had been kept in refrigerated unit since last weekend!
Doing "rush autopsy", but don't think coronavirus.
69 now confirmed w/ coronavirus including 12 Americans
Foreigners who went to CHI after Jan 15 will not be allowed entrance to India.
7 new cases - see graphic
40 cases total
Cases detailed in article below.
Infographic tracks contacts w/confirmed coronavirus clusters.
4 of 7 have no known contacts/clusters.
Prof Neil Ferguson of "J-Idea" modeling w/team shows maybe up to 50K cases per day as of 2/6 and doubling w/in 5 days.
Est: 10% of CHI cases are in numbers or known.
Est: 25% of cases outside CHI are tracked/known.
Nothing to see here! 🤦♀️
34 coronavirus regions evacuees asymptomatic and in good health.
ALL will be quarantined 18 days on military base & 3 x per day doc visits plus testing per Health Minister.
40,553 confirmed globally
419 new cases reported by CHI gov't w/ no locations
910 fatalities
70 Japan on cruise ship NOT incl in numbers
6,484 serious
3,281 recovered
23,589 suspected
from 28,942 yesterday to 23,589 today.
Despite that, 4,008 suspected cases were added, which means [possibly] many of the previous ones were ruled out
Fed Reserve Chair Powell to address House Financial committee Tues and Senate Banking Committee Wed after he released report to Congress on Fri.
He's confused because ... China. 🤷♀️
No worse than the flu, right? 🤦♀️
#DiamondPrincess 66 MORE Dx'd w/ Coronavirus
200+ people onboard last week symptomatic
66 - 11 US, 4 Aus, 1 Cdn, 1 Brit, 45 Japan, 3 Philippines, 1 Ukraine
Japan #coronavirusjapan #CoronavirusOutbreak
1/20/2020 Ship left Yokonawa, Japan for 14 day cruise.
1/25/2020 Hong Kong man left ship
2/01/2020 Hong Kong man tested positive #coronavirus
Approx 1/2 on board are Japanese - only for frame of reference of 56 countries represented