Ex: the history of armored warfare - tech changes warfare and warfare influences technological development
Much of the tech is borrowed from agricultural machinery.
But it could have gone another way.
A tech advantage is good, but not sufficient or indefinite
1. Funding
2. Doctrine for use
3. Champion
Nuclear weapons, computing, lasers, satellites, stealth, GPS, the Internet, networks, robotics...
Robots and swarming systems
Lots of testing going on - in the air and on the ground.
It’s more complicated the more autonomous you want it to be.
Power generation is a BIG DEAL
For vehicles, this is new and important tech
@RiceUniversity - development of a micro-supercapacitor
@Tesla - Model U Pick Up Truck
@USArmy - Army Research Lab - Aluminum Power for hydrogen generation
How do you layer materials at a microscopic level to create complex stuff? 3-D printing may reduce the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of manufactured products.
3D printed polymer blocks to atop bullets - AND it doesn’t destroy the material beyond the impact.
Valves and pipes
Replacement parts
Lattice structures
On demand/just in time
4. Biotech
CRISPR (gene editing) - Navy Research Lab - changing DNA of bacteria to detect contamination and to glow 🦠
Stem cell skin spay (for burn victims, etc)
Next-gen DNA sequencing
Drug development and testing - AI is great for studying base pairs and proteins, etc., it just seeps things up...
Mobility and maneuver is the key question - how do you steer stuff at Mach 5? This is a hard problem. Even testing this is difficult - only a handful of places where you can even do this.
That’s not far away.
Bob Bradford: Clausewitz would call it Friction
Hypersonic weapons have the possibility to change strategic calculations.
Answer: firing at moving targets, arms race/defensive; strategic offset
If it’s a question of priorities and resources, that’s a different question.
BLUF: you need both people like me and people like Fred to our all of this together.
(Holy hell, I do not understand this at all.)
1. faster speeds, smaller spaces
2. Solving new problems
3. Working with AI, large data sets, etc.
1. @DeptofDefense S&T budget - not keeping up with inflation, but DOD has beefed up $$ in other areas - moving money around/reallocation
Nuclear modernization
Missile Defense
China is IN this game - big time. They are interested in many kf@the same things we are.
1. Need for National and DOD vision for Tech
2. Need a national-Level plan from the Executive
3. Support for National Defense Education Program, DOD-wide S/T program; Manufacturing Engineering Education Program
5. Need to get better/more adept with big data
6. How does DOD $ and investment incentivize private-sector development?