A summary based of my work @LiebreichAssoc
Part 1: Path to emission-free Hydrogen at 1$/kg
For solar, where sun shines 8 hours per day, that’s 963 hours of curtailment.
Getting there requires either:
1) increasing yearly curtailment to 2000 hours, or
2) further electrolyser CAPEX reductions from $450 to $250/kW.
When could we expect economies of scale to bring that down to $250/kW?
Especially when gas prices are unlikely to remain as low.
But reclaiming curtailment value is not as simple as just adding an electrolyser. To that end, there needs to be a market for carbon-free hydrogen.
What sectors of our economy could be disrupted? More on that next week in Part II.
What will the Northwest European market for hydrogen look like?
If you're interested in finding out more, get in touch!
*A summary based of our work
@MLiebreich insights have inspired and guided this research throughout.