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‘Até tem tratamento, mas não adianta. Quem tem HIV vive menos.’

‘Quem usa PrEP vai sobrecarregar o rim e o fígado’

‘O corpo muda. Vai ficar magro e com cara de doente.’

Todo mundo já ouviu isso. Mas não é o que a ciência diz. Entenda. ❤️‍🩹
Os benefícios de fazer o tratamento para o HIV e usar PrEP superam em muito os riscos, mas alguns tratamentos têm sido associados a um risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de efeitos colaterais a longo prazo. Estes incluem problemas ósseos, hepáticos e renais
PrEP e tratamento para HIV), e doenças cardíacas e alterações metabólicas (apenas tratamento para HIV). Os efeitos colaterais de longo prazo são menos comuns do que os efeitos colaterais de curto prazo (diarreia, gases, náuseas, distúrbios do sono).
Read 14 tweets
De provocación en provocación:

El complejo militar estadounidense tiene al mundo donde quiere y lo necesitaba para reactivar su economía.

1) #Biden inició su administración llamando a #Putin asesino, al que haría pagar caro (no sabemos qué).

2) #Putin pidió debate a #JoeBiden,
... mismo al que #Joe se negó.

3) #EEUU y la #UE prohíbieron el uso y distribución de la vacuna #SputnikV, sin mayor argumento que el que la #OMS no la había autorizado, a pesar de que #TheLancet acreditó su efectividad.

4) #Brasil en crisis de pandemia, aceptó presión del...
Departamento de Salud de EEUU para rechazar 10 millones de dosis de Sputnik V compradas a Rusia; ¿Argumento? EEUU no podía permitir que #Rusia limpiara su imagen en #AméricaLatina con su diplomacia de la salud en tiempos del #COVID19.

5) Biden y #Blinken empezaron a amenazar...
Read 9 tweets
Neues l#Interview mit Prof. Dr. #SucharitBhakdi - "Können 100 Ärzte Lügen?"

"Dieses Interview ist extrem brisant. Prof. Bhakdi ist weltweit vernetzt. Er arbeitet mit einem Netzwerk aus Medizinern, Pathologen und Wissenschaftlern weltweit zusammen. Es geht um nichts Geringeres, Image
als die Wirkung der #CoronaImpfstoffe im menschlichem Körper wissenschaftlich zu identifizieren. In diesem Interview beschreibt er die neusten Erkenntnisse, die erschreckende Folgen aufzeigen. Als wir das letzte Interview mit Prof. #Bhakdi im April 2021 führten,
beschrieb er schon die 'Hölle auf Erden' und wurde dafür massiv diskreditiert. Jetzt zeigt sich, dass Prof. Bhakdi nicht nur recht hatte, sondern dass die Erkenntnisse der Folgen der #Impfung noch viel schlimmer sind. Mittlerweile bestätigen das zudem viele Studien, unter anderem
Read 5 tweets
Im #TheLancet steht: "We believe the strongest clue from new, credible, and peer-reviewed evidence in the scientific literature (...) is that the virus evolved in nature, (...).[1] Aber fakt "ist, dass die "natürliche"
#Chuang, #Pandemie, #Virus
Sphäre bereits unter ein völlig globales kapitalistisches System subsummiert ist, (...).[2]
[1] Und nicht im Labor. Siehe:…
Read 4 tweets
En el año 2020 las defunciones en #España fueron las mismas, o incluso menos, que en años anteriores. Entendemos ya la #plandemia? #COVID… Image
#Últimahora. Gran manifestación en #Madrid por la Libertad en estos momentos y contra el Gobierno comunista de #España.
Read 72 tweets

Desde la nueva vacuna fase 3 de #Pfizer hasta las #reinfecciones, #secuelas e #inmunidad.

Hoy les hablare sobre lo que nos ha dado al evidencia científica al respecto de estos temas, pero lo haremos con memes de #BobEsponja.

Abro hilo 🧵
De acuerdo a la revista médica #TheLancet, se define como evidencia científica al uso consciente, explícito y juicioso de datos válidos y disponibles procedentes de la investigación científica, con lo que podemos tomar decisiones clínicas.

Algo así como LA CARACOLA MAGICA ✨

#ContagioCOVID19 🦠
Read 60 tweets
« Le monde médical et scientifique a perdu une certaine crédibilité parce que ce débat est clôturé » ~ @xazalbert #Holdup #Covid19 #DéliresCovid19
« Dès lors que vous faites croire à quelqu’un qu’il est en danger de mort, vous en faites ce que vous voulez » #Holdup #Peur #Psychose #Covid19 #ComportementsIrraisonnés #DécisionsStupides
Read 68 tweets
Why #scientists fear the “toxic” #Covid19 debate - The hyper-polarisation of discussions about how to handle the #coronavirus pandemic risks stifling nuance and undermining scientific inquiry.…
#academics are afraid to speak out for fear of being vilified. The replacement of nuanced debate with hyper-polarisation and insult-trading has prompted many to despair over erosion of healthy #scientific discussion and potential breakdown of public trust…
experiences intensify the further one drifts from the accepted orthodoxy on #Covid19. At present, this orthodoxy leans towards advocating zero Covid (total eradication), the aim of suppressing case numbers by partial or full #lockdowns until #vaccine…
Read 16 tweets
Os quatro pilares da saúde da população trans publicados na #TheLancet 💗💙🤍

Com @vulvarevolucao e Giovana Meinberg

Puxe o fio da inclusão.

#EquipeMaravilha #SaúdeTrans
Hoje temos a estreia das maravilhosas psicóloga Giovana Meinberg (@gi_meinberg) e da jornalista Maíra Valério (@vulvarevolucao) como colunistas da equipe maravilha!

Elas resolveram trazer um infográfico publicado em uma revista científica super renomada sobre saúde da população
transgênero. Tá lindo! 🌈

A renomada revista científica The Lancet publicou, em 2016, uma edição voltada à saúde das pessoas trans, o que inclui também pessoas travestis e não-binárias. O conteúdo segue ainda bem atual e, por isso, decidimos trazer esse tema para que possamos
Read 14 tweets
15/06 > #Coronavirus : le #LancetGate révèle des failles de l’édition scientifique via @lemondefr #LaMethSci
.@PierreCorvol > #LancetGate : il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective à partir de données massives en fait. On a des données issues d'hôpitaux dont on a aucune indication sur l’acceptation des malades sur l'utilisation de ses données et c'est intolérable #LaMethSci
3/06 > #Chloroquine : la revue #TheLancet met en doute le sérieux de l'étude qu'elle a publiée via @franceinfo #LaMethSci
Read 21 tweets
Rendez-vous à 18h30 sur @AzurTV_.

#AzurTV Image
@AzurTV_ C'est un beau moment : ce sont les policiers qui dénoncent les propos racistes qui se trouvent au sein de la police, c'est la jeunesse bigarrée qui se mobilise. C'est un beau moment pour la France. #AzurTV
@AzurTV_ Christian Jacob se trompe. Le peuple français est un et indivisible. La parole de droite aussi doit être du côté de l'unité du pays. Il croit qu'il n'y a pas de racisme mais il se trompe. #AzurTV
Read 17 tweets
Clearly the conclusion is biased because there is no significant reduction in mortality showing it is ineffective in serious cases who actually need treatment. As a clinical #Pharmacologist my conclusion is: #Remdesivir should not be standard of care for any patient of #COVID19
The mortality rate as stated reduced from 11% to 8% (3%) that they admit insignificant despite being "highly powered multicenter randomised controlled trial (RCT)".This is the clue to understand that they are trying to make this expensive drug as standard of care. #Remdesivir
The preoccupation to prove efficacy of so called modern synthetic drugs with patents is so heavy for obvious reasons that it is almost impossible to "prove" the efficacy of traditionally used antiviral formulations or herbs despite having so much in vitro as well as vivo evidence
Read 6 tweets
"The Lancet‘s fraudulent concealment of genetics, and its own conflicting interests, while condemning #coronavirus conspiracy theorists, gives the appearance of “crisis capitalism,” and complicity in the COVID-19-SARS/HIV-1 #Wuhan ‘Event 201‘ biocrime." Image
The 'Scientific' arguments going on behind the scenes on #Covid_19 should be a wake-up call to the 'TRUE' dangers the world is being exposed to! 'BOTH' sides of the argument are labelling the other 'Conspiracy Theorists'. Only one of them can be! Image
The Lancet writes that "Conspiracy theories do nothing but create fear, rumours, and prejudice...." #Covid_19 Image
Read 52 tweets
"The life of every child born today will be profoundly affected by climate change." - a thread on The Lancet 2019 report on impacts of climate change on human health

#TheLancet #ClimateChangeIsReal…
The world has observed a 1°C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels. A child born /today/ will experience a world that is more than 4 degrees warmer than pre-industrial average.
Downward trends in global yield potential for major crops threaten food security, with infants often the worst affected by potentially permanent effects of *undernutrition*.
Read 9 tweets
#TRIBECON begins #Pravara; felicitations to #AbhayBang @SearchGad & #sudarshan #VGKK for their inspiring work on #TribalHealth; @DrLahariya @whoindia among others felicitated
#abhayBang #healthsystem design for tribal communities need to be relooked for #UHC; strategies & schemes must adapt with local social & cultural context; recollects #Brainstorming with @DesirajuKeshav at @SearchGad leading to #ExpertCommittee #tribalhealth @TribalHealthIND
#TRIBECON #AbhayBang notes with happiness increasing interest in #tribalhealth research, yet this continues to be “off the beaten path”; congratulations to #pravara medical college in bringing this together; the proposed #Bandardhara declaration to improve #tribalhealth research
Read 81 tweets

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