I’ve finished reading through all the submissions to ETHDenver (forgive me if I missed some across Devfolio, Daostack pages).
Here are some themes I saw:
1. ETH-as-a-swiss-army-knife
2. ETH2.0 Tools
3. Crypto UX
4. Interoperable Gaming
The first theme that I saw was all kinds of use cases for Ethereum solving real-world problems.
There were people building everything from DMV solutions to ETH-enabled paywalls. Here are my top "use-case" ETH creations:
ETH-enabled paywalls
just a couple of lines of code to drop in a little paywall enabled by crypto payment. This could enable microcontent anywhere on any website! Would love to see it support morecoins using the same logic!
Some very neat charity/impact focused hacks came out of ETHDenver:
highpriests.rdai.money -donating your defi interest to syndicated causes (would love to see more open ways to be added here as a syndicator/as a cause petitioning for being added to people's sindicates)
Charitable initiatives also included lots of stuff to index open opportunities
Grantchain, Wolfpack (funds for the homeless), and even an NFT/loans onboarder for those with low credit increase access for individuals to tap into financial systems
github.com/jierdin/HackSq… save us mere mortals lots of time at the DMV by working with digital IDs.
How much GDP would Eth save if people just moved all state identification onchain? no more TSA or DMV hassles.
Hon. mention: github.com/twos-complemen…
Speaking of fraud, a team also built "Living Proof", a tool for censorship-resistant attestations. Don't we wish Craig Wright used this? haha
distro.textile.cafe has you covered. Now to another existential question: should e-books be scarce if the marginal price to create is 0?
glopact/SNODEX: Augmented Bonding Curves for Planetary Impact Initiatives
Want notifications off your blockchain data? Another project linked The Graph subgraphs to @IFTTT to make blockchain data more easy to plug in to.
github.com/Ryan-Ouyang/le… and team also built a generalized solution to use funds staked in order to grant access to physical property!
RAP also offered some ideas on how to quantify good user behavior to encourage positive decentralized participation
BTC as a store of value on ETH is still a recurring meme, with multiple projects supplying ways to port BTC over to the Ethereum world.
Get some interest bearing stablecoins if you win!
cc: @robsecord check this out!
Or put stablecoins into memes and earn interest on growing the meme