Along with the #ClimateCrisis, biodiversity loss is the most pressing problem we face today. But it’s hard to understand what this even means.
So here’s a crash-course by @tamarstelling!
This is what the Earth’s living layer actually consists of 1/:

Crap! 💩 But… what is a species? How many do we have and how many have we lost? And how did we not notice this happening?! 2/
1. We haven’t discovered all life on earth yet
2. We may accidentally have *rediscovered* some species. Several times (... oops)
3. Biologists disagree about what a species actually *is*
BUT, these are the most recent estimates of species on land and sea 4/:

But, before a species goes extinct, it becomes rare where it was once abundant.
Prof Ron Milo + @yinonbaron of @WeizmannScience came up with Gross Biomass Product – kgs of living matter. How many kgs of creature are there today and how were there before?
When you look at biodiversity loss in this way, it becomes much more real. 8/
Just read about it, here:…

We currently have 500 gigatonnes of biomass. Before humans began rearing livestock, took up agriculture, and started the industrial revolution, there was an estimated 1,000 gigatonnes of carbon trapped in living matter.
It’s not about the extinction of this species, or that one, but about the overall plummeting biomass. And yes, it's plummeting.
"How many species are about to disappear?"
Instead, it’s:
"At what rate exactly, are we eating away at the Earth’s living outer shell?"
Or: which species, classes or kingdoms are experiencing a strong biomass decline due to our need for X, Y and Z?
But if we could, would we even want to?
And, does picturing biodiversity and its loss in terms of biomass help you understand: we’re destroying the Earth’s living layer? 15/…

Join Non-human Life correspondent @tamarstelling, Prof Ron Milo and @yinonbaron of @WeizmannScience, and Prof Mike Benton of @BristolBioSci to discuss this question under the article! END…

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