A thread about how explosion occurs, stages of combustion, types and control.
Sequel to #abuleadoexplosion and thread by Dr @DrOlusesan & Dr @Yomiclass
I want to add some information so as to help the public understand little bit about pressure system. RT

It start small referred to as primary explosion and then followed by a terrifying secondary explosion
1-induction period(beginning of combustion process)
2-ignition by a heat source
3-growth, rapid flame propagation
4-steady state, fire burning at full potential. Even fire fighters are afraid of this state, anything can happen. structural failure etc
-confined vapour cloud explosion(vce)
-unconfined vce
-BLEVE: boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion
-dust explosion
These are types of incidents that can happen &we have experience them at one point or the other in this country,just that we dont keep record
Like @DrOlusesan said in his thread & from the root cause saying a truck hit a gas line causing gas to escape to the surrounding before ignition at around 08:00 hours on sunday at #abuleado
How does BLEVE occur and the effect is what i will explain briefly

-plant design and structural protection
-process control
-hazardous area zoning
-emergency response & preparedness
Other control most suitable for #abuleado has been highlighted in previous thread
Dr @Yomiclass pls add
Public safety is joint responsibility, we all have part to play.
Dr @DrOlusesan please add any omission sir.