Yes. A blockchain voting app being touted around for real live elections. What could go wrong?
Join me. 🐰🕳🔥🔥🍆🦠🤥💥⚰😱🦠🍆🌵🍆
@mattblaze shares that our lovely bureaucracy is sending letters around demanding a security audit of a voting app. Bc, yes, we rely on paper to secure our elections. Oh…wait…😒

So while most of us were at ETHDenver, Voatz started getting attention again after a report came out by @mspecter @jimmykoppel @djweitzner from @MIT. (News possibly enhanced by the hot-mess Iowa Caucus 2wks prior.)
A good thread summarizing the news that research and subsequent news coverage:
Voatz responds with typical scam bullshit, "blah blah I pinky promise we're not a scam!!! 🤥🤥🤥"

The researchers respond to Voatz response.…
(Also, @schneierblog picks it up…)
More glaring concerns are shared by @yaelwrites, who, unfortunately, has had experience with Voatz and their secrecy dating back to NOVEMBER 2018!! 😲
@tarah says 🖕
"For a company that claims to be staffed by cybersecurity experts there appears to be a stunning lack security engineers……it takes 1.5 infosec staff about 23 days to even triage a @Hacker0x01 report"
Full of 💎's:
While we were busy w the crypto markets
…and the stock market
…and Trump being "yo I always knew this was bad! ahh chinavirus! 🤮"
…and MakerDAO was like "ahhUum USDC?"
@trailofbits drops this EPIC 122pg MASTERPIECE💥…………………
@jackhcable reappears after being shit on back Feb for disclosing that really really glaringly immature terrible stupendously ridiculous bug and being told by Voatz "we pinky-promise we aren't a total scam and yeah also you're wrong. 🤥🤥"
More summaries and good takeaways from @trailofbits' report since you are all too lazy to READ THE PDF THEY WORKED SO HARD TO GIVE YOU. 😒
One of my fave people, @GossiTheDog, shouted back to his AUGUST 2018 thread of more 😱 things about Voatz.
(scroll UP to go back in time, it's amazing 😍)
Basically, well, yup, we're still all completely fucked. Sorry.
1. Governments fall for scams too.
2. This has never been a legitimate project. Period. Full stop. Period period period.
3. Trust security experts.
4. Red flags are red for a fucking reason. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES.
There is NO reason this scam bullshit should be considered legitimate enough for basically all the top security researchers + MIT + @trailofbits to get involved. Period.
No, it's worse.
It's like if that happened in 2020 and people bought their bs. 😡
Yes, technology is awesome. Yes, we should invent. No, you should not trust technology when it comes down to our truly valuable, important cores.
Less is more.
And, you don't have to hack all the votes, you only have to manipulate a relatively tiny amount of votes in key areas.
I highly recommend you read @chrisinsilico's Mindf*ck.