- Zettlekasten
- Excel for text
- Threaded Twitter as hint of future of collective intelligence
Front-loading my first brain with "best of" thread
Not that these are the best ideas - but there's a strong signal that they're the most articulate/digestable ones
Here's link if you want raw material
On getting rejected from YC many times, and general skepticism out there that there is need for a new "notes app"
Tradeoffs of giving people what they want vs prioritizing the places where good thinking really happens
The high level goal of getting compound interest on your thoughts
"Accretive Knowledge Work"™ @andy_matuschak
And like finance metaphors

And while we have tables and lists - regular people are lacking some of the more powerful ones
We've just barely started here - so far you've mostly only got filter...
But soon
But like, an easy one to get started with - just docs and nested lists for beginners
But the power under the hood is the ability to use thoughts LIKE code - since
Because the way we organize code is just as bad as the way we organize all other notes...
In folders and files that don't fit your brain.
- Conceptual Models, Jeff Johnson
First with individuals, then for society
Starts with stuff like this
If you can't write it in your own words - you likely don't actually understand it
A better physical metaphor than folders was the 10,000 hyperlinked index card system developed by Niklas Luhman
Building up ideas
Correcting flawed premises
Making new connections between old ideas to generate insight
Good that we'll be starting on some shared premises
But the early experiments we did at least helped me convince my housemates to shelter in place a few weeks before mandate
- easily could end up spending the whole time talking broad scale #gameb collective intelligence type stuff
@RoamResearch is still a MOSTLY a single player tool
The best way we can help people with THIS crisis is to help them organize their "grand unifying theory" in quarantine so we're better equipped for next one
And the mission of Roam to help people DO SCIENCE in every aspect of their lives