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@naihhi @atBenBradbury…
sehr interessant. er hat sein recht zur konstruktiven kritik immer & überall genutzt, nur es gibt zu heute einen unterschied. in jedem staat sitzt eine weltweit operierende struktur drin, die sich in die bestehende struktur eingearbeitet hat.
nehmen wir 1)
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 2) das beispiel america. Sie haben schon genug zu kämpfen, das überall die #CIA #FBI drin sitzt & in firmen die #kpc . warum ist das so? weil eine gruppe von menschen das so will. sie haben nämlich ihre weltweite struktur in allen ländern und wollen, dass sie beschaftigt sind. 3) Image
@naihhi @atBenBradbury 3) deshalb hat Wolfgang #Eggert ein Leben mit Schreiben verbracht. Keiner will wahrhaben, dass seit 1990 Einnahmen Deutschlands über #Fed #USA nach #Israel fliessen.
Keiner traut sich zu reden, weil es keine Differenzierung zwischen Chassidismus, Khasaren-Satanismus und 4) Image
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Declassified documents show Zionist leaders of the Lehi militia sought collaboration with the Nazis

"In war there're no sentiments. Whoever gives money & weapons, you should work with him" - Lehi's top leader Yair Stern

Lehi was merged into #Israel's IDF & honored with statues Image
2\ Coincidentally, the Lehi terror group's publications described Jews as "master race" & Palestinians as a "slave race."

They "advocated mass expulsion of all Arabs... or even physical annihilation".

They conducted numerous terror attacks against the Palestinians & British. Image
3\ #Israel built monuments for the very Lehi terror group that sought collaboration with the Nazis.

Lehi leader, Yitzhak Shamir, became Israel's Prime Minister.

Shamir once said "Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat" Image
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Ist euch das wenigstens ein kleines bisschen peinlich, @AmadeuAntonio? Ihr könnt nichts dafür, dass die aktuelle #Antisemitismus-Analyse von allen anderen als "Studie" rezipiert wird, aber auch von einer "Analyse" kann man wenigstens minimale methodische Standards erwarten. 1/x
Der Text irritiert v.a. ob seiner durchgängiggen argumentativen Schlichtheit & Naivität im Mimimi-Stil: Im Schulbuch steht das; wir hätten aber stattdessen gern das hier drin!!!! 2/x…
Was man vergeblich sucht, ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit der inzwischen recht umfangreichen Literatur zu #Judentum, #Israel-Bild und #Nahostkonflikt in #Schulbüchern. Auch andere Sekundärquellen: Fehlanzeige. 3/x
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#Ukraine: Latest news from #UkraineWar:
1. Around #Bakmut UA continue to make gains & N of the city operations are in play along #Rozdolivka-Krasnopolivka & #Berkhivka-Yahidne frontlines. UA forces have advanced another 1 km nr #Vuhledar. #tweet100
🇺🇦🔥THREAD🇺🇦🔥 ImageImage
#Ukraine: 2. S of #Novodanylivka UA forces says they have retaken & secured an area 4 km long & 1.5 km deep. "Noose" is being tightened at #Rivnopil but is not finalised yet. #Urozhaine is now a contested "grey zone".… #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. Reports RU have lost 7,000 troops killed & 15,000 + injured since June 4th & start of UA #counteroffensive. UA also destroyed RU Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare unit & a counter-battery radar system Zoopark-1 (worth $ 20 million). #tweet100
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🔴 #VaccinCovid19

📍Le démantèlement d'un nouveau mensonge : Des milliers de décès dus au #Covid19 sont évités en #Israël "grâce à la vaccination".

📍Le Dr Eyal Shahar, professeur émérite de santé publique en épidémiologie et biostatistique, prouve, dans un billet de blog…… Image
Il existe plusieurs façons de démontrer la fausseté des affirmations concernant les avantages "exceptionnels" des vaccins Covid. Je m'appuierai sur des données comparatives provenant de Suède. Le pays qui a prouvé au monde entier l'inutilité des blocages et de l'obligation de…… Image
Contrairement à Israël, la Suède a traversé la vague hivernale sans être vaccinée. Lorsque la vague s'est calmée, à la fin du mois de mars 2021, seuls 10 % de la population suédoise avaient reçu au moins une dose de vaccin Covid, contre 55 % de la population israélienne. À la…… Image
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Eine Chronik

Teil 2
Impfungen und Zertifikate

Januar 2021 - August 2021

🧵 Image
Eine redliche #Aufarbeitung der Pandemie und im Besonderen von #2G ist zwingend notwendig. Ich versuche mit dieser Thread-Serie einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten.
Es wird empfohlen die Chronik von Anfang an zu lesen. Den ersten Teil findet ihr hier:

Read 223 tweets
Right: the 830-year-old Moroccan neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Left: Same area today cleansed of its Arab inhabitants, where even Palestinian Jerusalemites aren't allowed to walk without a special permit!

On June 10 1967, #Israel bulldozed the entire area, inc. mosques & school🧵 ImageImage
2\ David Ben-Gurion visited occupied East Jerusalem as soon as it fell & went to the Western wall.

He got "upset" to see a sign Arabic, asked for a hammer & ordered it destroyed, then he said:

"This is the greatest moment of my life since I came to #Israel". Image
3\ The next day, the #Israeli army brought sledgehammers & bulldozers to the Moroccan quarter in occupied Jerusalem to destroy 135 homes, 2 ancient mosques, an old school & local shops.

They gave the 650 residents about 15 minutes to leave without discussion & become refugees! Image
Read 6 tweets
In July 1967, weeks after it occupied the West Bank and Gaza, #Israel considered - in a top secret memo (*with utmost thanks to @Akevot for exposing) - two primary options for the recently occupied territory. Annexation or the establishment of a #Palestinian state. Image
Israeli officials write with a sense of urgency, cautioning that Israel will be perceived by the international community as "maintaining colonial rule in these occupied territory," while considering the options for an example of occupied Palestinian territory.
Annexation of the West Bank and Gaza to Israel, "with limited autonomy for the people of the West Bank (e.g., establishing a canton l)," is seento allow for effective control and isolation of Gaza. They are equally aware of the prohibition on annexation and alien domination. Image
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❗️Only an #antisemite would use the @TheIHRA Definition of Antisemitism - the origins lie in the #EUMC - would concoct a #malicious #malevolent #libel that it's responsible for human rights harm!❗️

@FranceskAlbs wants #antisemites to get away with #antisemitism by blaming #Jews
The Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) surveyed Jewish Europeans & showed that the examples in the definition reflect what the vast majority perceives as antisemitic.

What's the problem? @FranceskAlbs doesn't want any opinion from the very people who experience #JewHatred daily!
The Commission considered the victims' perspective as an important starting point in tackling all forms of racism & hatred.
Thus, @FranceskAlbs wants to #EXCLUDE Jews altogether while defining the meaning of #antisemitism or #JewHatred.
Read 30 tweets
On this day, 56 years ago, #Israel invaded - in a premeditated attack - Gaza and the West Bank. Despite subduing its Egyptian and Jordanian adversaries by the 10th of June, it had since occupied #Palestinian territory with no military exigency justifying it's prolongation. Image
Two weeks after #Israel occupied #Palestinian territory, a group of Israelies took out an ad, reading:

"Occupation leads to alien rule.
Alien rule leads to resistance.
Resistance leads to oppression.
Oppression leads to terror and counter terror.
Victims of terror are for the…… Image
Prof. Michael Bothe puts it aptly: "Even if the Israeli version on the beginning of the
invasion were true (quod non) its ensuing actions concerning the West Bank violate the jus in
bello. A claim of self-defense defense fails because self-defense is only that military action…… Image
Read 5 tweets
RFK JR CLARIFIES STANCE ON ISRAEL / Follow @JewDefense / Over the weekend, @RobertKennedyJr met with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in New York twice to discuss Israel and antisemitism, and marched with him down fifth avenue for the Israel Day Parade. /1
Since last week’s controversy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made a bold and unequivocal statement regarding Israel and his association with Roger Waters. The presidential candidate claimed to have defended Waters' protest against vaccine mandates – only. /2
When he learned of Waters' views on Israel, Kennedy took down the post and expressed unwavering support for Israel's right to exist and defend itself.[Video: @yopasta/Twitter] 
From Jewish Defense Network
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ALL-STARS OF JEW-HATRED UNITE FOR DOCUMENTARY / Follow @JewDefense / A new documentary exploring the Jewish "obsession with Israel" features the whole of the anti-Israel Jew-hater dream team: @4noura, who said, "Zionism is a bedfellow of Nazism;" /1
@CornelWest, who called the Democratic Party "beholden to AIPAC and blamed @BarackObama for being "comfortable" with "Jewish men;" /2
@PeterBeinart, who claims Israel is "dehumanization masquerading as realism;" along with disgraced Jeffrey-Epstein Associate and coiner of the term "Judeo-Nazi," Professor @noam.chomskyofficial. /3
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CROSS-BORDER TERRORIST ATTACKS UNDERMINE DECISION TO CEDE SINAI PENINSULA // Since 2011, repeated cross-border terrorist attacks have made the Sinai Peninsula Israel's deadliest international border. Image
Over the weekend, an Egyptian police officer armed with a gun, six magazines of ammunition, and a Quran, infiltrated Israeli territory and murdered three Israeli soldiers.
Egypt's government is defending the terrorists' actions and offered "sincere condolences" to his family. Israel sacrificed the Sinai Peninsula, twice its size, for peace with Egypt – ceding strategic depth, natural resources, and control of key trade routes like the Suez Canal.
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Here is an example of someone who proclaims her love of Jews, her People and Israel!

Instead, she is a #liar #hypocrite #amoral who engages in #bloodlibels
Go see a shrink Simone. He is waiting for you! Image
Simone's #Lies #Libels exposed by Black South Africans who lived under apartheid! Image
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#Turquie #TurkeyElections
Le Hizbullahı turc fait son entrée au parlement
ce groupuscule terroriste ultra violent se rachète une virginité politique et je crois qu’il est utile de faire un focus sur eux.
Qui sont-ils ? ⬇️
Ils ne vont pas siéger sous l’étiquette Hizbullahı évidemment, ne serait-ce que parce qu’ils sont sur la liste des organisations terroriste des USA (inscrits en 1997 en même temps que le PKK - et je crois qu’ils n’en sont pas sortis, mais si je me trompe corrigez moi)
Le Hizbullahı n’a rien à voir avec le Hezbollah libanais chiite

C’est un groupe sunnite radical, kurde, créé pour combattre le PKK d’Öcalan, et qui s’est illustré dans les années 1990 par ses attentats, assassinats, viols collectifs et torture dans le Sud-Est de la #Turquie
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[𝗜𝘀𝗿𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗮]

O que absorvi nesses últimos 7 dias e Israel?

Como já sabem, aplicativos como @waze, @Wix, @fiverr, #ICQ e @Viber, e equipamentos como pendrive, processadores Intel e drones foram tecnologias criadas e desenvolvidas em Israel.

@waze @Wix @fiverr @Viber @38bitcoinheiro @alan_schramm @gustavoramos Esse pequeno país histórico que parece estar em um passo perpétuo à frente de grande parte do resto do mundo quando se trata de tecnologias futuristas.

Meu pai (que trabalhou 31 anos viajando o mundo) citou-me Israel 🇮🇱, onde fui pesquisar e me aprofundar ⬇
@waze @Wix @fiverr @Viber @38bitcoinheiro @alan_schramm @gustavoramos - para então apaixonar-me ainda mais com o livre mercado, onde um país com uma população de 7 milhões de habitantes, #Israel possui quase 70 grandes empresas de tecnologias nacionais, consequência disso é o país referencia em telecomunicações. ⬇
Read 30 tweets
The American Jewish Congress released a statement on May 8, 2023 on Bashar Al Assad rejoining the Arab League. This is a good time to recall why this is not a good idea after #Assad attended an Arab Summit in #SaudiArabia over the weekend. Read this #thread⬇️/1

The #AmericanJewishCongress is alarmed that efforts are underway to rehabilitate #BasharAssad. Before any normalization, Assad needs to talk to the opposition, eliminate #Iran presence in #Syria, and initiate a political transition in accordance with UNSCR 2254. /2
Sharing our concerns about rehabilitating #BasharAlAssad is more than half of Syria’s population displaced by #Assad’s actions over the past decade, says @JackRosenNYC, President of #AmericanJewishCongress. /3
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As #Russia and #China torture their populations, the fire of hearts stoked by the remembrance of history, which they deny and attempt to obfuscate/distort, spreads and engulfs.

The fire hurts, but the hurting is right, it is good.

It is direction; it is to be trodden.
No other direction brings #Humanity further.

The #Holocaust happened; The #Holodomor happened, the #Uyghur genocide is happening, the #Tibetan genocide is happening.

Through painful turmoil, we toil. A great many other foul conflicts rage; their fires of the heart hurt too.
#Palestine and #Israel both claim to want peace, neither can be first to stop the violence, neither wills to turn a cheek or implement full reconciliation where little ever sprouted.

#Iranian women remain targets, victims, punished; men remain slavers, cherished, what is holy?
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On November 12 1985 President Doe was nearly overthrown.

Ex ally General Quiwonkpa attempted a coup to end Doe’s tyrannical rule over #Liberia 🇱🇷.

Liberian #history would’ve changed if not for soldiers from #Israel 🇮🇱 who came to aid of Doe.

These events led to civil war. Image
After the 1980 Coup the “People’s Redemption Council” governed Liberia.
They invited members of the former opposition, the Progressive Alliance to help govern the Country.

They would end up leaving the government when it was clear the PRC was just a bunch of corrupt thieves. ImageImage
Even members of the PRC became concerned when Doe began killing dissidents, and his rivals in the council.
It was obvious to everyone Liberia was coming under the one man rule of a corrupt murdering maniac.

In 1985 General Quiwonkpa organized a Coup against the Doe Regime. ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
🧵Latest w/ @sfrantzman: #Israel's Elbit is ramping up its production of multi-purpose rocket and drone launchers in Europe, as the Netherlands is buying the firm's PULS system which #Spain also appears to be favoring for its new rocket artillery program.…
2. On May 17, Royal Netherlands Army announced on social media that it had contracted Elbit for supply of 20 of the truck-mounted PULS systems. Earlier in April, Dutch government had stated that the country would spend around $650 million on long-range weaponry.
3. The move is the latest example of how countries are increasingly turning their attention to ground-based strike capabilities, particularly artillery rocket systems, after how vital they have proven to be in #Ukraine’s defense against Russian invaders.
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Beberapa hari sebelum pawai "hari bendera" sayap kanan Yerusalem, ketegangan tinggi di seluruh #Israel, Tepi Barat yang diduduki, dan Jalur Gaza yang diblokade, Image
mengancam akan mengganggu #gencatan senjata yang dicapai antara Jihad Islam Palestina dan Israel pada hari Sabtu setelah setidaknya 33 warga Palestina tewas dalam pengeboman Israel selama empat hari. Seorang warga Israel juga terbunuh oleh tembakan roket Palestina.⁠
Penyelenggara bulan Maret mengharapkan jumlah rekor – sebanyak 100.000 – untuk berpartisipasi dalam pawai, yang merayakan penaklukan Yerusalem Timur pada tahun 1967 dan #pendudukan berikutnya, atau yang oleh pemerintah Israel disebut sebagai “penyatuan kembali” Yerusalem.⁠
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Le mercredi 16 mars 2016, à 13h30, ma femme, mon fils de 14 mois et moi-même décollions de l'aéroport de Tel Aviv à bord du vol @EL_AL_AIRLINES LY333 à destination de Bruxelles, d'où nous devions ensuite nous rendre à Paris en voiture de location, pour une semaine en France. Image
Nous passions par #Bruxelles pour y rester une journée avant de prendre la route de Paris, et y passer aussi notre dernier jour avant de rentrer en Israël la semaine suivante. J'avais donc réservé un hôtel pour la nuit du 21 au 22 mars, notre vol retour étant le 22 mars au matin. Image
Après quelques jours passés en France à nous ressourcer auprès de notre famille et nos amis, et à nous goinfrer de pain, de vin, et de fromages, nous sommes donc repartis vers la Belgique dans notre voiture de location, le lundi 21 mars, pour passer un dernier jour à Bruxelles.
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Meet the #Israeli right's new hero:
Orian Ben Khalifa was convicted of unjustifiably beating up a young Palestinian woman, knocking her to the ground, dragging her to a police station, grabbing her by the neck & shaking her..

Israel's Security Minister reinstated her immediately ImageImage
2\ #Israel's Security Minister reinstated Orian Ben Khalifa back at Israel's border police right after an Israeli court convicted her of unjustifiably assaulting a Palestinian.

Israel's Minister for Advancing Women's Status is calling her a Heroin for being up an unarmed Arab! ImageImage
3\ Right wing #Israelis are in love with the Magav officer Orian ben Khalifa precisely b/c she mercilessly assaulted a Palestinian who did nothing to her.

Orian is known for violently assaulting Palestinians on a regular basis in East Jerusalem. Image
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