1) McConnell’s $500,000,000,000.00 corporate slush fund for CEOs and the ultra rich
I say we must #BailOutThePeople not give the GOP a pot of gold to pass out to tgeir friends
Haven't we learned from the last GOP led economic disasters (81,91,01,08) to stop doing the same dumb stuff
This is a moment when we as a working class must demand to be at the front of the line & not left to clean up the mess once the pigs finish
Without federal funding to pay for federal mandates and state needs you know the GOP is going to want to slash future education budgets
Every crisis we use words to thank workers, even put them on the hero pedestal only to forget them once they need anything like healthcare (think 9-11)
We must protect workers before they get sick and not ignore them if they do
We're mandating people stay home Millions have lost and will lose jobs
Studies show 40% of us can't weather a $500 emergency/ 60% $1000
People have to eat.
In the still richest country in the world no one should go hungry
Like it or not millions of workers do low paying gig jobs and under the table work to survive
They are the people who are going to be hit hardest by this crisis.
As a supporter of the #aca I should say screw these people who complained about the individual mandate and refused to sign up but they are my fellow citizens and I will not leave them behind.
Stupidity shouldn't be a death sentence.
I'd like to know who has their snout in the #MnuchinSlushFund
I think we should have a right to know which special interests we bailed out. Don't You?
I don't trust these fucking republicans with a bag of dog shit. They have proven time and time again to lie, cheat, and steal.
The ME governor actually bragged about stealing candy from children when he was younger. That is who these people are.