I just got off a 23 minute survey by a Issues & Answers research group asking Qs about what it would take for me to support a charter amendment allowing the President of the BoA to spend $1 billion from privatizing the airport. 1/

20% or at least $200 million on repurposing school buildings
10% or at least $100 million on rebuilding infrastructure like bridges 👇🏼
20% or at least $200 million on job training geared toward the building trades
30% or at least $300 million on public safety including increasing police 5/
▪️Modernizing trash pick up
▪️Modernizing the fire department
▪️Security cameras for every ward in the city
▪️Fixing our roads and bridges
▪️Hiring more police
▪️Substance abuse treatment
▪️Behavioral health services for young people 👇🏼
▪️Addressing vacant in a banding buildings
▪️Increasing police pay
▪️High visibility street lights
▪️Substance abuse services for ex-offenders
▪️Improving city technology
▪️Early childhood ed👇🏼
▪️0% interest home repair loans
▪️A program to pay new STL residents
▪️homeless fund
▪️Union apprenticeship programs
▪️Increase funding for drug courts
▪️Allowing people below the poverty line to not pay city earnings tax
▪️HS equivalent assistance 9/
These folks don’t care about any of these things. They just want their payday and will try to sell the public on whatever sounds good.
All of these things can happen w/o privatization.
It means having different priorities 10/
Don’t let them fool you. #DisasterCapitalism