Nigeria is ranked 96th/195 (score 36.7%).
INDICATORS: Rank & Score:
1. Prevention: 123rd & 26.6%
2. Detection: 78th & 44.6%
3. Response: 68th & 43.8%
4. Health System: 107th & 19.9%
5. Norms: 50th & 56.7%
6. Risk: 174th & 33.7%
1. Prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens: 123rd, scored 26.7%
2. Early detection & reporting for epidemics of potential int'l concern: 78th, scored 44.6%
3. Rapid response to and mitigation of the spread if an epidemic: 68th, scored 43.8%
4. Sufficient & robust health system. To treat the sick & protect health workers: 107th, scored 19.9%
5. Commitments to improving national capacity, financing and adherence to norms: 50th, scored 56.7%.
6. Overall risk environment and country vulnerability to biological threats: 174th, scored 33.7%
(John Hopkins, NTI and The Economist)