President Cyril Ramaphosa to address the Nation at 19:30 today
It’ll be broadcast on various news channels.
South Africans have responded positively by staying at home, observing regulations & exercising care.
Thank you to the people of Mzansi who needed the call
As a nation, we’re saddened to learn of 3 deaths and condolences to the families.
We’re calling each and every South African to stay at home for the next 17 days
Leave home when you need to collect Medicine or buy food.
Essential services can go to work.
If you do go out, ensure that you do whatever it takes not to be infected
Some people think that #Covid19inSA can’t affect them, this is misplaced.
#Covid_19 infects everyone, rich, poor, black and white.
Everyone is worried about to the impact of #LockdownSA Including small businesses, women and children etc

We’re concerned about the impact of #LockdDownSA on small businesses and self employed, we’re developing measures.
We’re taking note of those in other countries & we will do what we can
Government will be rolling-out massive screening in villages etc
Measures will be taken to ensure that people are screened & referred to clinics including self-isolation
Our economy is under stress & at the time of the lockdown, Mzansi was downgraded by Moody’s.
We’re pushing ahead to contain the spread of the disease
Number of confirmed #Covid_19 cases in South Africa sits at 1326 as of this evening
We welcome the donation by the Motsepe Foundation for donating R1 Billion Rand & Nasspers for donating R1.5 billion
Sends thanks to @JackMa for donating equipment to South Africa
Task of security personnel is to re-assure & comfort people.
Law enforcers know that they need to act within the law & shouldn’t cause harm.
Sends message of gratitude to everyone who has been keeping Mzansi going from Taxi Drivers, Refuse collectors, SuperMarket employees & everyone.
You’re the unsung heroes & we salute you
Thanks everyone who made the Wuhan mission a success.
They were able to go on for 81 days worth of a lockdown
Mistakes will be made & we will continue to correct the mistakes.
We need to work together & has no doubt that we will overcome
May God Bless South Africa & continue to Protect her People