America’s coming pandemic disaster will be akin to something from one of Hollywood’s top blockbuster movies, except for this time the chaos is real and is on US soil.
Trump calling 100,000-200,000 potential Covid-19 deaths as a good result.…
Go fund me for PPE in a US hospital.
Remember - The annual US military budget is $748 billion.
But Nurses have to run crowd funding campaigns for rudimentary PPE.
A constant theme in the outbreak is how hard the poorest in America will get hit by this crisis.
There’s little safeguarding in place to protect the most vulnerable in US society.
Footage from a NY Subway 27/03
People are still out and about travelling in confined spaces.
Where too? It’s clear that some of the poorest people still need to make ends meet.
And what’s to come.
“Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million, unemployment rate may hit 32%, Fed estimates.”…
More homeless social distancing sleeping spaces for the homeless.
When an economy is more suited to building bombs than building society.