Biggest threat to wealthy is exposing worth is a malleable human invention
@Teri_Kanefield nails it—democracy vs hierarchy
Declaration of Independence’s equal worth clashes with our innate differences
In our abilities, activities in context of others?
In our accumulation of wealth through our exchanges?
Worth & worthiness & our tenuous clutching to our own value frames freedom & humane choices or lack of them.
That we afford what we value.
Equality v hierarchy never has been a debate about sameness.
In context of society, #RuleOfLaw & democracy, one party has embraced inhumanity to the determinant of our constitutional republic flourishing
She doesn’t have to say they‘re unfairly siphoning wealth at cost of livable compensation & prosperity of the majority.
Her plans fix it & corruption ie how they‘re so wealthy #WarrenDemocrat
Self interest isn’t flawed, cruelty to maximize one’s wealth or to leverage power is.

We all grapple with worth in questioning/answering why live. It’s a place of fear & anxiety & why, though harmless, the super wealthy fear a wealth tax & why they pursue maximizing wealth
Structurally, corruption undermines democracy as we’ve aimed to end racism, sexism, misogyny, patriarchy. Corruption maintains hierarchy
Power through wealth to restrict voting & favor who gets wealthier
Center or moderates are either GOP or Democrat & minimally lean towards hierarchy & are skeptical about fairness
Moderates who are Democrat might be uncomfortable with women’s autonomy or LGBTQ but are for full access to citizens voting or like wealth privilege
Billionaires are at best moderate democrats
require some industries be non-profit (+fully transparent & which limit CEO + executive pay & pay labor well)
Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, prison/jails & parole, care facilities for elderly/disabled, news
No profit, well paid
Flexibility allows local specificity & diverse specialization =better outcomes
Eg Education & health+other care
#EssentialWorkers are #EssentialNotExpendable & without consumers with the funds to consume, the economy dies.
Hierarchy v democracy is about POV re fairness & what’s just. GOP have the bullying model, where power is taken by those able & they become victims when thwarted
Akin to might is right as weaker men would see it. Power belongs to those who are able to seize it & keep it.
GOP POV = male dominance & control—breeds corruption as #QuidProQuo is how pecking order is made—Hierarchy = fairness
🤔 hierarchy’s anti-Jesus’s teachings, cruelty v love. Meek are weak, not inheritors. It’s biblical—GOP souls are satan’s, bought & paid for—evil=soulless
Think back to the golden calf—worshippers weren’t evil, they were cowards driven by fear aka as bullies.
GOP are right about natural in that democracy must be taught, nurtured & cared for to thrive, like a garden
For freedom, purpose must be self determined, pursuit of happiness as everyone’s choice
GOP are akin to toddlers who take what they want cause they can & cry if it’s taken away
Women know how to handle toddlers & bullies
Humility v arrogance = truth v lies to be strong & leadership by enabling others v shutting out expertise as if it diminishes you.