#Allah Ta’aala created this world and the entire system in which this tiny planet exists – the entire universe.
#Allah Ta’aala created the molecule that’s at the heart of this debate (i.e. the carbon dioxide molecule #CO2)
#Allah Ta’aala created #animals and #humans, as well as many other #creatures like #plants, #jinn and #angles.
Humans are not animals (nor are we plants, angels or jinn).
Apes and cockroaches are not humans (nor are they plants, jinn or angels).
We know the world is #finite and we are told it is finite and that it will come to an end – just as it was #created.
Yes, we are #smart enough to #self-limit and yes, we do have a #precedent to follow. A precedent that tells us not to #waste #water even at a flowing #stream…
... a precedent that tells us not to #burden other creation with more than they can handle (e.g. #overloading #animals)…
... a precedent that tells us to be #kind to all creation… a precedent that acknowledges the #assistance of #rocks and #trees… a precedent that tells us to #beware of #mountains of #gold...
If you do not already know about it, please feel free to ask me about that #beautiful precedent.
There are those things we are given some control over (e.g. self-restraint and the words and actions we choose).
Then, there are those things that are really out of our control (e.g. the action of others, population growth, etc.)
Our #accountability is for our own #actions.
So, if we want to see #change, we have to be that change. Whether everything else works out the way we want to see it work out or not - we have no #control over that & it shouldn't matter to us when taking #action.
Moreover, we know that it will come to an #end and perhaps all this (i.e. our #greed, #manipulative #behaviours, lack of #self-restraint, over #consumption, #hypocrisy, taking of #rights of others, #waste, etc.) is the #means to that end.
Yes, #inshaallah #change comes from #awareness:
- of us being #creation
- of our eventual #death
- of our #prior #abodes and our abodes to come
- of our #responsibilities and our #limitations
- of our #purpose of creation
We can look to #nature to #recognize and #realize how truly #insignificant we are in the grand #picture.
Take a look at this picture and pinpoint Earth... if you could do that with ease, then pinpoint yourself on it... ok, done that too... what about yourself 100 years ago or 100 years into the future!
(Don't forget that we can't even see this with our naked eye).

There is no point in being fearful of the Earth coming to an end when we know it will likely out #exist us here!
The #fear we should have is:
- of not being able to #account for our #actions
- of going before we can make a #change
- of going before we can at least #repent from what we’ve done and #contributed to
- of going before we can leave a #legacy
I particularly liked this #chart (that expands in the documentary). It is a useful #reminder that we really are at the #tail end of #human #existence here and that it will all be #leveled and we will be held #accountable, #individually.

Knowing this will all #end rather soon, you either...
- #care and make the most of it; or
- not care and #milk what you've been #blessed with without a care or concern.
#Individual #choice.
Knowing this will all #end, you either...
- #care and make the most of it; or
- not care and #milk what you've been #blessed with without a care or concern.
#Individual #choice.
We can care & show #gratitude for the #blessings #individually & #communally by limiting our use of #resources, changing how we #eat & what we eat, and changing the way we #commute, where we commute & why.
There’s no question about it, the #apocalypse is #near.