- After interviewing 20 camp residents, @MEI_CTE scholar @vera_mironov delves deep into who lives in al-Hol? How do they relate to #ISIS? Who's escaping? How do they acquire money? & more.
REALLY important work:

This drives many expressions of ultra radicalism or fake claims of attacks.

- "What #ISIS enforcement can we talk about, I feel like we're in #Europe here. Many females have sex with male camp workers... We constantly hear about 13-year-old boys having sex with girls or even try to rape other younger boys."

- “Al Hol girls, ice arrived to the camp. Fighting season starts!”

1. Bribing #SDF forces to facilitate
2. Use local civilian smugglers, mostly water tank drivers
3. A 6-day escape by foot
Smugglers are well-known & identifiable by their large properties in the area.

- Family abroad
- Home governments quietly paying to avoid #SDF bureaucracy
- #ISIS pays directly
#ISIS has also begun paying for boys to be smuggled out, so they can move to frontlines to fight.