Day 1 discussions starting in a few minutes!!
5.30 - 7.30 PM 🗣️
👩💻Don't forget to tweet your comments at #PFI_SciComm

We are on our way Towards a #PolicyFramework for #Indian #SciComm in partnership with @spf_in!
Let #PFI_SciComm be the bugle for your opinions this evening. 📢
Starting with: #Funding & #Infrastructure
A great opportunity to build upon the multiple past discussions, with a diverse set of audiences 👥.
@kpmadhu2000 points out science reporting without methods can be dangerous and that's why engaging scientists in #scicomm is very important.
@ipsawonders highlights that most #scicommers work independently & do not have grants helping them out. Also, institutional affiliation should not be mandatory criteria for securing funding for doing scicomm.🧑💻
👉Not everyone is able/willing to do #scicomm
👉Instead of putting the onus on PI or scientists, even students can take it up
👉#Collaborations with illustrators and other individuals having useful skillsets can help

Difficult to convince such prospective funders that the money you put in #scicomm, will come back in the future, when #science is communicated better.
Some challenges:
👉If we can tie #scicommers to institutions, it will be helpful
👉A collaborative mechanism can be evolved over a period 🤝
We need to address the relation between #science and #society: Two-way relation important.
Moreover, the issue of #accountability needs to be raised as well.

@manojpatairiya highlights
👉Lack of active #science #communicators in institutions
👉We need more of formal MSc and Ph.D. degrees in #SciComm
👉Need to remove gate-keeping barriers
@ipsawonders points:
👉Need to figure out the mediums
👉Responsibilities shall change based on progression
👉Clear distinction on what responsibilities #scicommer should do and how experience is measured
👉Institutes should have a #scicomm unit instead of an individual
👉Let people focus on what they are good at
👉Remuneration is compulsory for the different skills they bring on
👉Remuneration should be decided on time and quality of work
👉Supportive of a national body for scicomm
👉Can start with examples from the US and UK
👉Plan and evolve and tailor for India
For umbrella bodies, adding small teams to a national team in tier 3 and 4 cities to create a conducive and
bottom-up approach for effective #scicomm can help.
So now we begin with theme 2 for Day 1: #Multidisciplinary#Research
Let us know all the thoughts coming to your big brains. Tweet your comments at #PFI_SciComm
👉How does #knowledge brokerage happen in society?
👉#India is a unique place, so it is important to understand how to effectively do scicomm
👉How do we formulate research, the questions to better understand #scicomm

Exemplifying RadioLab, new sounds, different music engages different listeners. The issue to be focused here 'SUBJECTIVITY'.
👉Who does #scicomm is multidisciplinary and the objectives of scicomm are multidisciplinary
👉“Science communicator” is not very well defined - a very wide umbrella
👉Who should make the case for #scicomm

#SciComm needs to be impactful and the impact needs to be measured creatively.
@SomdattaKarak furthers the need to utilize known measures, and use the right spaces and know-hows about doing and measuring #scicomm.
👉Is it necessary?
👉Pros and cons?
👉Who to appoint?
👉Is it a feasible model?
👉Who do we choose?
@RamanSpoorthy enlightens:
👉Outreach is a challenge as the audience is focused
👉Need to go beyond words and written means of #scicomm
👉It is more than translation: contextualization important
👉Tackling the beast - ways/strategies
👉Inculcate critical thinking, rationality, scientific temper, skepticism
👉How to inculcate scientific temper in school children?
👉Increase rigor
👉Adding values and mindset
👉Make resources more accessible
while planning out sessions
@ShreyaScilens answers:
👉The approach is very unidirectional - dump facts, tell them facts, and expect them to take it on and move on.
👉Building trust is very important
Thank You all for attending and tuning in on #PFI_SciComm
We will meet you tomorrow for Day 2 at the same time 5.30-7.30 PM🗣️🤓