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Mar 27th 2023
Very proud of this team effort "A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of #climatechange and of the potential #adaptation avenues for #Quebec’s #forests" is now published

A (very long) thread. Buckle up!…

@cflscf @NRCan

First, I would like to acknowledge the work of all my colleagues including Jesus, Annie Claude, Yves, @mariehbrice, @DominicCyr, Louis, Daniel, @GauthierSylvie9 , Pierre, @Guillemette_L , Mathieu, Maryse, Tadeusz, Martin-Hugues, @ethiffault , @Tremblay_Jun and Stephen
Quebec’s #forests goes from northern hardwood with sugar #maple, beech, hemlock in the south, to pure boreal black #spruce forests up north. Natural #disturbances, go from single-tree windthrow or mortality in the south, to large stand-replacing #fires in the north.
3/n ImageImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
#Nestle business model analysis

1/ Nestle is a global food and beverage company that operates on a hybrid business model, using both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing to produce its products. #Nestle #BusinessModel #FoodAndBeverage
2/ Nestle sources raw materials and ingredients for its products from various suppliers around the world and manufactures its products at its own facilities in countries around the world. #RawMaterials #Manufacturing
3/ Nestle's product line is diverse and includes a variety of food and beverage products, including coffee, water, milk, ice cream, and snack foods. The company also licenses its brand to third parties for use on non-Nestle products. #Coffee #Water #Milk #IceCream #SnackFoods
Read 9 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
1/ The Hershey Company is a global confectionery and snack food company that operates on a hybrid business model, using both in-house manufacturing and outsourcing to produce its products. #HersheyCompany #BusinessModel #Confectionery #SnackFood
2/ Hershey sources raw materials and ingredients for its products from various suppliers around the world and manufactures its products at its own facilities in the United States and internationally. #RawMaterials #Manufacturing
3/ Hershey's product line includes a variety of confectionery and snack food products, including chocolate, candy, gum, and snacks. The company also licenses its brand to third parties for use on non-Hershey products. #Confectionery #SnackFood #Chocolate #Candy #Gum
Read 7 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
Nike business model comprehensive analysis

Nike is a global sports footwear and apparel company that operates on a wholesale model, selling its products to retailers and distributors who then sell them to end consumers.
#Nike #BusinessModel

2/ Nike also operates its own retail stores and e-commerce platforms, allowing it to directly reach and sell to consumers.
#Ecommerce #Retail
3/ Nike's business model is centered around innovation and branding, with a strong focus on research and development to constantly improve its products and stay ahead of competitors.
#Innovation #Branding
Read 13 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
For me Crypto is about asymmetrical opportunities.
This thread is not about price predictions, I have no crystal ball. All you can do is have good risk management and take those assymetrical set-ups.
Here's a thread explaining why I think this is the case for $KLIMA.
This will be a monster thread, with tons of alfa and a collection of many resources at the end if you want to understand Klima more from a technical perspective.

All metrics from this thread can be checked here:…
If this is your first time hearing about KLIMA or OHM and you have no idea about the mechanics behind the protocol, how the prisoner's dilemma & (3,3), (🌳,🌳) fits into all this, I suggest you read these first:……
Read 34 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
Get ready for #ImmunoDiversity! Let us know anything you learned from this event! We're so excited and ready to build up this thread! #BIIW21 1/
Do we think #Immunology/#STEM stacks up as a welcoming and inclusive field? The general consensus is that #DEI in society is the same in #STEM, but at least we are having conversations around it even if action is slow 2/
Oh, don't forget to follow: @robclayrivers and @danne_phd as they discuss this important topic. 3/
Read 28 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
During the rest of #scienceweek we’ll be highlighting the work of our Taronga scientists, & the many varied #conservation #collaborations they are a part of. Here’s what’s coming your way on Twitter this week. Yeah, it's an 8-day week, but there's just so much #science to cover! Image
We’re excited to share our impact and reach across our core areas, especially in #conservation science, where our teams take an evidence-based approach #ForTheWild and embed #science into everything we do.
Don’t forget you can also follow some Taronga scientists directly too. We’ll be tagging them all week, but why not follow @Magellanic_22 @HWConflict @PitcherBen @KarrieARose @janeo1000 @Wingtags @alburns1 @joytripovich @DrJDay @WildPhoebe already?
Read 3 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
We are LIVE tweeting the discussion - Africa Rises: The Continent Means Business with @rachaelomamo, Rahul Chhabra (@MEAIndia), Gwendoline Abunaw (@ecobankcameroun), @navdeepsuri. Participate with #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@navdeepsuri: While the phenomenon of the rise of #Africa is well accepted, the way it might impact global growth and the citizens of the world is yet unknown. #AfricaRising #Raisina2021 #RaisinaDialogue
.@rachaelomamo: Africa is key to #GlobalEconomicGrowth. African economies have been growing consistently. Africa has established African Continent #FreeTradeZone.By 2050, Africa will have world’s largest labour force. The agricultural and energy sector is vibrant.#AfricaPotential
Read 16 tweets
Dec 30th 2020

2021 is a year when I need to work much smarter.

I need to build #collaborations with folk to make better progress on the projects I want to work with.

These are in the following areas:

1) Education - the current system is both skewed by nation state imperatives ...

... and by the huge and still growing burden of knowledge it attempts to package and deliver both at school and beyond school in working environments ...

Folk need to switch to alternate education, finding leaders to first follow in the footsteps and then ...

... assume the mantle of the late, great @SirKenRobinson

We need to find current leaders, build practice on the ground, connect internet guides to folk wanting to learn, and lift accreditation and connectivity systems into the cloud to make learning far more accessible ...
Read 16 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Good evening everyone! 🌇🕕
Welcome to In Conversation with Dr. Renu Swarup @RenuSwarup @DBTIndia

Please post your recommendations, comments with #ChatwithRenuSwarup.
This live-tweet thread is curated by @AnamZille & @Jengovz on behalf of @spf_in 👧👧

Opening the session with a warm welcome 💐💐by @ChagunBasha @DSTCPRIISc @PrinSciAdvGoI
Read 47 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
As it pours in India today, we are ready for an intellectual pour down Towards a #PolicyFramework for #Indian #SciComm in partnership with @spf_in 🥳

Day 1 discussions starting in a few minutes!!

5.30 - 7.30 PM 🗣️

👩‍💻Don't forget to tweet your comments at #PFI_SciComm
And the Day 1 discussions begin!!

We are on our way Towards a #PolicyFramework for #Indian #SciComm in partnership with @spf_in!

Let #PFI_SciComm be the bugle for your opinions this evening. 📢

Starting with: #Funding & #Infrastructure

@AnamZille, @yaskap94 & @ChampakSuchitha curating this live thread especially for all you on behalf of @spf_in & @scicommsci
Read 38 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
#Live now from @WISE_Tweets 'Specialist Dialogue on Cross-sectional coalition building' as part of its 'Education Disrupted, Education Reimagined' series featuring Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO, @Pratham_India
Follow the dialogue using #EducationReimagined #SGSedu @WISE_Tweets
"At the ground level, we have seen interesting things in the past 3 months. Even though we are further away, we have come closer to children because we really wanted to connect with them" says Dr. #RukminiBanerji @WISE_Tweets @Pratham_India #EducationReimagined #SGSedu
Read 5 tweets
Nov 19th 2018
Hello, I am Edna Matta. I was born in #Ibague, known as #Colombia’s #CityofMusic. A beautiful place near snow-covered volcanos (Ruiz, Santa Isabel and Tolima), large expanses of paramo forest, lakes and streams where a diverse array of animal and plant species coexist
My story starts with #powerful, #strong #women in my #family. I was the third of 4 children and my mom #firstMentor had to raise us practically alone, since my father had to work in a different city, 20h away by car
My mom is a very #strong #woman that taught me #values, to #workhard and to be #self-sufficient #StrongWomen #StrongFamily
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS /1
Read 36 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
LIVE on #Periscope: Leading Like a Woman…
What are your experiences of gender-based comments as children? #WomenEd #MTPTproject
How often do we reject our femininity & isolate ourselves from other women/ girls because of toxic comments about 'being girly'? #MTPTproject #WomenEd
Read 23 tweets

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