The virus traveled with military personnel from camp to camp and across the Atlantic.… …
#SpanishFlu #COVID19 #SARSCoV2
World-wide transporting of #WW1 military troops was the reason.
500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus.… #SpanishFlu
Influenza and pneumonia killed more American soldiers and sailors during the war than did enemy weapons.

One or more travelers from that population probably transported it to Wuhan, China where it was first detected and scientifically analyzed.……………
We live for 70 years, or 80 years if we're healthy, yet even in the “prime” years there are troubles and sorrow. They pass by quickly and we [our spirits] “fly away” [back to GOD, who gave them].
International Standard Version……
#CoronaVirus #COVID19
Warmer, humid weather isn’t able to have its usual natural mitigating effect when millions are living in home “bubbles” rebreathing cold, air-conditioned, dehumidified air.
That’s the main reason the virus spreads so fast in certain locations like #nursinghomes & jails where people can’t or don’t give a shit about personal, or group sanitation.
Enhance your own state of health every day, but no one should expect to live forever in a mortal body.