“Today is 8.31 anniversary. #HKers came to Prince Edward Station to present flowers. At about 5 pm, #police searched a number of residents, including a #minor, whom was taken back to Mong Kok Police Station.”
“We encouraged filmmakers to portray #China as the center of the world’s future in LOOPER, N. Korea as the antagonist in RED DAWN rather than China, ...” ~ @TheDragonFeeder 1/
“... Shen Kuo as an earlier and more advanced scientist than his European counterparts in TRANSCENDENCE, a Chinese child, similar to that of #XiJinping’s, as Tony Stark’s heroic accomplice in IRON MAN 3, China’s civil obedience by removing a crime-focused action sequence ...” 2/
“... in POINT BREAK, and China’s state-of-the-art high speed rail system and scientific acumen in WORLD WAR Z. If the creatives agreed, the #CCP gatekeepers would likely grant the altered films and responsible studios access to China’s 1.4 billion people. ...” 3/
Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route bit.ly/3c0pubd
“A Chinese doctor who fled her home country under threat has claimed #COVID19 originated in a military #lab and #China and the @WHO covered up facts about its human contagion early on.” ~ @candacesutton1
“@Apple wants to silence #political opinions, that it should also stop manufacturing black and yellow #iPhones, and only make products in blue, red and white.” 1/n
* Overseas researchers, academics, etc. are actually #spies.
* Chinese news outlets are actually its #propaganda mouthpiece. 1/n
* Belt & Road Initiative (#BRI) is actually Bait & Rob Initiative (debt trap diplomacy).
* America’s human right violations are worse than China’s.
* China can’t contribute much financially to international bodies because it’s an underdeveloped country. 2/n
* Blamed #America, then #Italy, then #France as the origin of the virus.
* Play #victim: China lost many lives so as to let the world have time to save their people. 3/n