WHAT THE ACTUAL F. The political right is as deadly as any pandemic. The environmental destruction, the hate, the ignorance the right promotes & embraces, has fascistic transnational fossil fuel billionaires at the helm. #JasonKenney is a sycophantic handmaiden. #ABleg#cdnpoli
& speaking of grotesque sycophantic handmaidens of toxic destructive fascistic billionaires, here’s #PierrePoilivre doing exactly their bidding, like he’s reading a script. A slithering little troll spreading disinformation & propaganda for profit globalnews.ca/news/7473149/t…#cdnpoli
And would you look at that. What a shocker. #ManningCentre now calls itself the outrageously Orwellian “Canada Strong & Free Network”, I mean seriously, could these people be any more transparent in their con job bullshit? Preston Manning requested his name be removed in 2020 🤔.
As this excellent piece by @RandyFRobinson outlines, #DougFord’s approach to government is NOT about governing, but about the weakening of gov’t. thestar.com/opinion/contri…
Evident from Ford’s negligent response to #Covid19Ontario, to his use of PR propaganda around his LTC disgrace
A question that should be asked: who is paying for all of the expensive “crisis management” PR that #DougFord has been using? The suspiciously cosy relationship between PR, lobbyists & propagandists, over sound policy decisions in the public interest, has been a disgrace. #ONpoli
It’s not just that prominent federal & provincial #Conservatives were on #NaziTwitter, aka #Parler, but that when there was an assassination attempt on the Canadian Prime Minister by a radicalized RW disinformation & conspiracy believer, Cons were silent...or worse #cdnpoli#CPC
When would-be assassin, Cory Hurren, radicalized by RW disinformation, propaganda & conspiracies on social media & by #CPC, loaded his truck with weapons & crashed through gates intent on the assassination of #PMJT, #ErinOToole’s Twitter feed was very revealing that day. #cdnpoli
You might say, perhaps #ErinOToole didn’t hear about the July 2nd assassination attempt on the day. Well here’s what #ErinOTrump tweeted July 3/2020. He retweeted his deceitful propaganda video & other willful incendiary lies & said NOTHING about the attempt on JT’s life #cdnpoli
It’s absurd to equate ideologically driven propaganda with journalism, but @JohnIbbitson & @globeandmail will try.
Failure to see the direct line between the same rhetoric & tactics that led to #TrumpInsurrection & what 🇨🇦’s political right has been doing, is willful blindness.
From members of #CPC, including #ErinOToole, on the disinformation dumpster fire that is #Parler (aka #NaziTwitter) to provincial #Conservatives obvious chummy relationships with crypto-fascists of the #GOP, draws clear & obvious lines between 🇨🇦 & 🇺🇸’s political right. #cdnpoli
Take a look at this vile lie being spread by #ErinOToole#JeffBallingall & #CPC. Look at this & tell me the political right isn’t colluding to overthrow democracy. Btw, the strengthened election laws are designed to limit #DarkMoney funding. #cdnpoli#TrumpTreason
The question everyone, especially law enforcement, needs to ask is: how did #Cult45 members get into the Capital building?? Someone on the inside is complicit in this fascist display. #WashingtonDC#DCProtests
#MitchMcConnell fully enabled & helped create this fascist Frankenstein monster. His empty words now mean nothing.
#Cult45 thugs roaming the Capital building shouting “DEFEND TRUMP”. Their goal is not truth, democracy or the constitution, it is fulfilling the delusion of a psychopath. #WashingtonDC#TrumpRally