.@WBHoekstra: The most important conversation that we are having now across #Europe is about the #Ukrainian crisis—the blatant breach of international law—and we stand shoulder to shoulder with #Ukraine in this period of crisis.
.@WBHoekstra: The situation in #Ukraine also indicates that war is back on the European continent on a scale that we have not seen since the last century. This has changed the geopolitical order in #Europe and the world.
Harsh V Pant: The crisis in #Ukraine also calls for a situation or contextualisation of the conflict, in terms of the geopolitical situation in the #IndoPacific, especially vis a vis the role of #China.
.@WBHoekstra: It is vital for the #EU to step up its economic power and translate it into geopolitical power and support the countries of the #IndoPacific region, as demonstrated by the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy.
Harsh V Pant: There is a growing sense that the #multilateral order is crumbling and so, is a new world order in the offing which would be born out of the revised needs and demands of our times as we are experiencing them now?
.@WBHoekstra: #Multilateralism has come under attack in the last few years, but we need to push back the pushback against multilateralism & make sure institutions like the #WorldBank, #UN, etc. continue to play the vital role that they have been entrusted with.
.@WBHoekstra: #NATO and the #EU have worked seamlessly to signal that we are serious about both institutional platforms covering military aspects as conducted under NATO and economic ones under the EU and also, the middle ground of #geopolitics in between.
Harsh V Pant: There is a lot of debate about economic globalisation and strategic decoupling, so we are perhaps entering a world order that calls for a redefining of the systems of the past.
.@WBHoekstra: The one thing that we do have to acknowledge is that a global order that works closely together doesn't always ensure peace and security, as displayed in the case of #Russia’s invasion of #Ukraine.
.@WBHoekstra: The #EU & India have a lot in common and the future for both looks quite bright and robust in terms of their expanding collaboration and deepening their partnership.
.@GeoffreyOnyeama: The #IndiaAfrica Forum Summit (#IAFS) process is aimed at developing a precise roadmap that responds to the priorities of #African countries. #India can share its technological know-how which will boost our substantial partnership.
.@LynnKuok: The #US has put working towards a common cause with its closest allies at the centre of advancing its national interest. The strength of the US as well as its partners matter.
.@carlbildt: If you look at the handling of the #Russia crisis, we are flying together. We are closer than in the past, covering all aspects of #security. There is a significant strengthening of #NATO and #transatlantic aspects of security.
.@RVlahutin: We have gone through multiple crises in the last few years—but they have served as great catalysers. We have seen how the #EU is shaping its response to these crises, and the EU is now at a moment of reckoning. #Raisina2022
.@RVlahutin: Infrastructure is a strategic tool & we have to treat it like that. Connectivity is not just primarily about things like railways, but it is also about the system of values underpinned by transparency, stability & the ability to make sovereign choices
With #Raisina2022 in full swing, @orfonline is delighted to announce the #RaisinaEdit— a selection of commentaries that unpack, interpret, & problematise contemporary global developments.
A key reason for the growth of the passion #economy is that it offers alternative ways of making money, innovative paths toward professional fulfilment & unprecedented career opportunities, writes @utkarsh_amitabhor-f.org/103498
Kwati Candith Mashego-Dlamini: In #SouthAfrica, we have space for #women & struggle side by side with men. #Women need to be seen as individuals. Empowerment of women is not a side agenda, but we need to focus on how we can help them have their own space & strength. #Raisina2022
.@ctgchatter: We require political will, affirmative action, and policy changes to empower #women. I believe, empowered women, empower women.