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Oct 24 106 tweets 128 min read
Chapter 13

of *Culture War, Class War: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“A Culture War Rages:

“Monsters Never Really Die in Horror Flicks...

“The King on Life Support & The Consequences of an Abomination”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms

CW22 13/1
“[*Chapter 13 text begins:*] With these factors in mind, what have we experienced in the last two decades, as the Sixties Generation finally got its turn at the wheel?”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #FBR

CW22 13/2
“*America Since Its “Pleasantville”*

“As expected, it was at first quite different from what the WWII Generation had been serving up during its forty-plus years’ reign.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #FBR

CW22 13/3
“*The Nineties & Clinton*

“We saw the beginnings of cultural enlightening & progress during Clinton’s term in the Nineties. In retrospect it was a colorful time; it was an enthusiastic time.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/4
“In comparison to today, [the Nineties] could even be considered peaceful. It was certainly naïve & childlike in many ways, as evidenced by the sitcoms, as, for example, *Seinfeld*.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts

CW22 13/5
“The Nineties were bookmarked between the economic wreckage left by World War II Gen members, Reagan & G. H. W. Bush, & their voodoo economics throwing money at the rich leading to a huge recession…”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump

CW22 13/6
“…[their voodoo economics throwing money at the rich leading to a huge recession] & a financial scandal—the S & L Scandal—that involved, for that time, an extraordinary price tag for the country.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/7
“The other end was the assignment by the Supreme Court of the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush over Al Gore—a battle of a Sixties Generation member against a WWII Generation paid-for concoction, the W.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 13/8
“*A culture war raged*

“In between those two markers a war was waged, a culture war, whose battles—economics, abortion, sexuality, cultural expression, war/peace, child abuse, spouse abuse;”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #Bluein22

CW22 13/9
“& whose personalities—Clinton, Gingrich, Lewinsky, OJ Simpson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Brown, Ross Perot—were detailed & rehashed endlessly via the daily news mills.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #resist

CW22 13/10
“*The 2000s & the W*

“At the end, the installment of the W represented a resurgence, in typical Culture War style, of the dominance of WWII-type oppression & manipulation of the masses.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #FBR

CW22 13/11
“*The King Propped Up Mechanically*

“It was the abortion of the changing of the cultural guard that was naturally occurring.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #resist #lies

CW22 13/12
“It was the King propped up mechanically, robot-like carrying out the dictums of those who once lived but were no more. It was an abomination of the natural order.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Blue

CW22 13/13
“*The consequences of an abomination*

“And its consequences during the first decade of the Twenty-First Century were exactly what would be expected from an abomination like that.”

READ BOOK wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts

CW22 13/14
“*Monsters don’t really die in horror flicks*

“Like the endings of horror flicks, which leave always a hint or part of the monster living on somehow, thus setting up a possible sequel, the WWII Gen left behind part of itself…

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 13/15
“…[the WWII Generation left behind part of itself] in the form of the Eighties Generation clones & the 50s Generation. & these folks aren’t going away any time soon! They are here in Trump & his MAGAts; they are here in Republicans;”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 13/16
“they are here in the Tea Party; they are here in the wealthy Right; they are here in the ownership & guiding principles of the mainstream media, now become principal propagandists of the American patriarchy—the “filthy rich”.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue

CW22 13/17
“*Millennium’s Second & Third Decades—Good News, Bad News, & Hope*

“During the second decade of the new millennium, the Culture War erupted in Nineties fashion.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans

CW22 13/18
“*Same Old Culture War*

“The entire arsenal of lies & defamation used by our cultural regressives against Bill Clinton were targeted this time at Barrack Obama.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/19
“Additionally, the Wisconsin-style anti-cutback, pro-union uprisings & the worldwide Occupy phenomenon brought the lingering issues into the open in a style not much different from the rebellious Sixties.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump

CW22 13/20
“Later in that decade we saw the rise of the Donald, pushed by his collusion with Russia.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE.... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies #Biden #FBR

CW22 13/21
“This set up a 4-year struggle in America, as Trump went about dismantling the democratic norms of our society & the simple rules of fairness in his subjugation to the will of Russia’s Putin.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/22
“[Trump] went so far as to steal nuclear codes & documents, & lists of our spies working in other countries, which for all we know,went into foreign hands, in exchange for some kind of financial or other benefit.

“For acts that in the past…”


CW22 13/23
“…[For acts that in the past] have gotten him executed—treason, the stealing & selling of nuclear codes & documents, the stealing & selling of lists of US intelligence operatives to our enemies—Donald Trump,..”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/24
“…[For acts that in the past would have gotten execution—treason, stealing/selling nuclear codes & docs, stealing/selling lists of our spies to our enemies—Trump,] with the assistance of a truly “Deep State,” continues to walk free.”

sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Garland

CW22 13/25
“I thought I woke up to the corruption of our information systems back in 1969, when I saw how the antiwar movement was lied about & defamed.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #Blue

CW22 13/26
“Yet this incidence of a former president getting away with the highest crimes imaginable—one that could lead to worldwide nuclear destruction & [has led] to the murder of American spies—"

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #Blue #Trump #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/27
“—[Trump getting away w treason] has me clear-eyed at how pervasive is the control of the system...how ludicrous is the notion we are a nation of laws, not “men”...how silly is the statement that in the U.S. no one is above the law.”

sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Garland

CW22 13/28
“This overwhelming & entrenched hegemony by the wealthy of the world over all cultural systems we in the Sixties termed *the establishment*.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth

CW22 13/29
“Though *Deep State* is a term used by Righties & directed at the normal institutions of our government—in the typical style of MAGAts calling out that others are doing what indeed they are doing—”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump

CW22 13/30
“—we see without question how some kind of *establishment* or *Deep State*, with a conservative-reactionary agenda benefiting the super-rich, is in place.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #GOP

CW22 13/31
“I prefer we use the term “vast right-wing conspiracy”—a term made famous by Hillary Clinton in the 90s—for it accurately indicates the perpetrators & methods of our continuing 21st Century unease.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland

CW22 13/32
“In the second & third decades of the Twenty-First Century, it is the same old Culture War/Class War begun in the 60s, brought to furious & fiery life.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans

CW22 13/33
“This is what one could expect of a struggle suppressed by decades of domination by untruths would be, as it emerges even angrier for having to wait.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election

CW22 13/34
“*Hopeful News*

“However much we cannot know the future, & despite the seeds of WWII Generation values left incubating in the minds of 80s & 50s Generation members & emerging under red MAGA & tea-bag hats,..”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/35
“…[However much we cannot know the future] we can hope that the progressive vision of *Pleasantville* will eventually hold out.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #Biden

CW22 13/36
“People fight harder to keep what they have...for good things they’ve experienced.

“In the movie, *Pleasantville*, after everyone has experienced color there is no semblance among them of a wish to return to a black-and-white world.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 13/37
“In the same way, we might hope that as our society turns more & more away from war-making, selfishness, race- & sexism, ecological destruction, misogyny—& all the other WWII Generation evils left behind—”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Bluein22

CW22 13/38
“[we might hope that as our society turns more & more away from war-making, selfishness, race- & sexism, ecological destruction, misogyny]—it will resist that much more strongly their reinstatement by reactionary forces.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue

CW22 13/39
“We can hope that as we move more & more toward economic prosperity, peacekeeping, loving our children & having honest relationships, & the reclaiming of our natural environment & ecological balance, there will be fewer & fewer…”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur…

CW22 13/40
“…[We can hope that as we move toward prosperity, peace, love & honest relationships, & ecological balance, there will be fewer & fewer] who will wish to turn back the times to the unreal black-and-white world of the “Blue Meanies.”“

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 13/41
“*Reason for hope*

“We see evidence of this progressive evolution in both the elections of Obama & the high popular ratings for him while he was in office.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Blue

CW22 13/42
“Earlier we observed it in the strong support for Bill Clinton even during the assassination attempts on his character throughout his terms. I might mention again that…”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump

CW22 13/43
“…though the media lambasted Clinton endlessly over a mere sexual act—note the difference between the two parties’ crimes, Republican treason on a massive scale versus a Democratic blowjob—still Clinton maintained his popularity.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 13/44
“In fact, polls at the time showed [Bill Clinton] increasing his job approval rating during the time of the impeachment & that 2/3rds of the population did not want him impeached.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Clinton #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/45
“It was clear that the entire brouhaha [about Bill Clinton] was another example of the Republican “Deep State”...“establishment”...“vast right-wing conspiracy”...punishing its liberal opponents for political reasons,..”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #Blue

CW22 13/46
“…[the vast Republican right-wing conspiracy punishing its liberal opponents for political reasons,] thereby strengthening their hegemony over all major societal institutions. Yet, again, doing it against the will of the people.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 13/47
“Forward-leaning views continued to gain ground within the American collective consciousness into the second decade of the Millennium.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth

CW22 13/48
“We witnessed such progressive fervor in the phenomenal outpouring of support for Bernie Sanders in both 2016 & 2020. Indeed, polls at the time, in 2016, had Sanders winning in a hypothetical matchup with Trump.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 13/49
“We have witnessed “blue waves” in both the 2018 midterms & the 2020 presidential election. Which 2020 election, incidentally, saw the most votes ever for a Democratic candidate, Joe Biden.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Blue #Bluein22 #Roe

CW22 13/50
“Currently, the overturning of Roe V. Wade has stimulated torrents of support for Democrats in primaries & other bellwether elections.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth

CW22 13/51
“The results of the referendum on abortion rights, which was won handily—by a whopping twenty percentage points—in red state Kansas by pro-choice forces, comes to mind.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #BlueTsunami #Blue #Bluein22 #ClassWar #FBR

CW22 13/52
“We can conclude that the majority of Americans want to go forward into a better future, not regress into a sugar-coated version of a dismal 1950s past.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Blue #BlueTsunami #Bluein22 #ClassWar #Biden #election #truth

CW22 13/53
“*People of hope*

“The approval ratings of these 60s-side-of-the-Culture-War Presidents—Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, & Joe Biden—certainly is not composed only of Baby-Boomers.

“60s Gen values are infectious bc they offer so much hope.”

drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #FBR

CW22 13/54
“African-Americans of all ages supported Clinton overwhelmingly; of course they support Obama; & we have witnessed that Black political power is what got Biden the nomination & sealed his win over Trump in 2020.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 13/55
“We witness Blacks continuing to flex their muscles in a phenomenal surge of African-American candidates in 2022 for the highest positions in Congress & government in general.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts

CW22 13/56
“We can certainly deduce that African Americans & people of color in general would not wish a return to the black-and-white world that included discrimination & violence against them.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts

CW22 13/57
“Women of all ages, for the same reasons, would not be expected to wish a return to a less individualistic status, to a subservient state.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies

CW22 13/58
“We can expect [women’s] opposition to the Supreme Court decision allowing the banning of abortion—the overturning of Roe V. Wade in July 2022—to continue undiminished.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/59
“Especially so, since the media will continue to report on abominations involving pregnant women being forced to carry to term babies resulting from rape & incest;”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #RoeVWade #RoeTheVote #Roe #MAGAts

CW22 13/60
“[the media will continue to report on abominations] involving murder charges being brought against abortion seekers, even if they do it in a state where it is legal;”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #Roe #RoeVWade #MAGAts #ClassWar #GOP

CW22 13/61
“[the media will continue to report on abominations] involving vigilantes being handsomely rewarded for turning in the names of women who have received abortions, who are then prosecuted as murderers;”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts

CW22 13/62
“& [the media will continue to report on abominations] involving medical complications & possibly the death of women who are denied medical care for nonviable pregnancies, which are then forced to continue.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #RoeVWade #BlueWave

CW22 13/63
“Finally, the young will always be idealistic if they are shown any ideals, which is what we can expect the 60s Gen to be doing for them, as Boomers continue taking thr seats in Wise Elders section of the parliament of sociocultural creation.”


CW22 13/64
“*Last ditch battle*

“We have seen examples of this change all around us. In fact the current frenzied attack from the Right—beginning with the Tea Party rebellion & continuing in the MAGAt support for treasonous Trump—

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave

CW22 13/65
“[the current frenzied attack from the Right]—can be seen as a desperate last-ditch battle in a war they will, depending on the results of the 2022 midterms this year, likely & inevitably lose. That is the good news.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave

CW22 13/66
“*Bad News*

“*How bad the aftermath, the devastation left behind*

"The bad news is that, similar to the way the GOP cleaned out the Treasury & left huge deficits & several wars on the desk of the incoming Democratic administration in 2009..”


CW22 13/67
“…thus hobbling [the Obama Administration] before it began, we have no idea how great will be the destruction left behind from these Culture-War waging, albeit waning, authoritarians in the current context.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Trump #BlueWave #MAGAts

CW22 13/68
“*Heavy with gold*

“With gains by the Filthy Rich in stealing from all classes of society below them in their last dying clingings of a dying old guard, a king who simply won’t die, the abominably wealthy are heavy with gold.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 13/69
“[the Filthy Rich] received trillion-dollar bailouts & subsidies under George W. Bush; under Barrack Obama, despite his opposition; & massively through the criminal largess of Donald Trump.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/70
“These disgustingly greedy Controllers of our culture have the means to buy much more influence than their numbers.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election

CW22 13/71
“*Their power is magnified*

“The multitudes are growing in size against these filthy rich regressives. Yet, with their wealth…”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies

CW22 13/72
“…& with the technology & science available now multiplying further their abilities, their capacity to control the minds of much of the population is magnified beyond anything previously & beyond anyone’s abilities to calculate or foresee.”


CW22 13/73
“*Zombie apocalypse?*

“So despite the trends toward a natural evolution like we have seen in the past, we might witness a strange aberration—a “zombie apocalypse”…”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election

CW22 13/74
“…[we might witness a strange aberration—a “zombie apocalypse”] created of the thinking of a time long gone comprised of sick ghostly fantasies of a black-and-white golden age that never was. Such things have happened before;”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 13/75
“cultures have indeed stagnated for hundreds & even thousands of years. The Middle Ages is one such example of stagnation beneath an oppressive deathly authority that would never renew, which lasted for hundreds of years.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave

CW22 13/76
“Still, despite the scientific & technological monkey wrenches that might permanently upset a natural order of progression, it is more likely things will work out as they have most of the time than that we will see an aberrant development.”


CW22 13/77
“There is, after all, at least as much technology & science catalyzing progressive change as that being wielded by the Controllers to mesmerize & better control us.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/78
“*The Positive...Good News?*

“The evidence for a natural development is there for all with eyes to see. With so much change needed, it is easy to forget how much has changed for the positive since the 60s.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump

CW22 13/79
“Still, with no inclination to see it, no amount of listing of the evidence will bring them into view.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #FBR #BLM #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies #Biden

CW22 13/80
“What might be helpful, though, is to note some other analogies from the movie *Pleasantville* which can provide insight as to what may be on the horizon or at least be considered food for speculation:”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #Blue #Trump #MAGAts

CW22 13/81
“*It takes a village; we are a global village*

“Whereas the black-&-white Pleasantville ends at the town’s borders & turns round again to the center of town,.."

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #psychology #history #psychohistory #CultureWar #resistance #Roe

CW22 13/82
“…the post-color Pleasantville roads continue going, connecting Pleasantville with the rest of the world.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies #Biden #FBR #resist #psychology

CW22 13/83
“Thus, with color and, by inference, imagination & thinking for oneself, Pleasantville has become part of a larger world, one in which Pleasantville citizens can participate & in which they can travel & take up residence.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #BlueWave

CW22 13/84
“This represents the global village, the coming together of the interests of all nations in a multicultural world, & the connection of all minds & hearts by means of the Internet & intercultural travel & tourism.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave

CW22 13/85
“The global economy will play a positive role, too. Though on its downside, such international trade contributes to the exploitation of resource-providing nations & the decimation of the environment,..”

READ BOOK sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Bluein22

CW22 13/86
“…we see, as for example in the worldwide economic sanctions against Russia after its invasion of the Ukraine in 2022, that the global economy can also be used as a lever for good, for peace, & as a guard rail for wayward nations.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 13/87
“*We have what really brings down tyrants—the power of individuals is also magnified by technology*

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies #Biden #FBR #resist #psychology #history #Roe

CW22 13/88
“Perhaps most of all, this connection to a larger world represents those factors of modern telecommunications & travel that have made the world open to the eyes of all, which is the real reason the Iron Curtain fell,..”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Blue

CW22 13/89
“…the real reason apartheid was overthrown, the real reason democratic revolution arose to the Middle East & may yet be causative in bringing democracy to places like China & Iran.”

READ/DWL BOOK.. drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts #ClassWar

CW22 13/90
“This, despite their oppressive propped-up elder-archies, their kings who will not die, their frozen non-renewing social processes.”

“*The W’s legacy finally overthrown by the WWW?*

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MAGAts #ClassWar #GOP

CW22 13/91
“And the most potent analogy of all: the World Wide Web, bringing together all peoples of the world into a collective consciousness sharing ideas & together shaping a world, not just a neighborhood, with true democratization of information.”


CW22 13/92
“While there are attempts by the wealthy—Elon Musk’s current bid to take over Twitter, for example—to control even the information flow on the internet, it is largely uncontrollable by any wealthy elite of any country or any generation.”

->... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 13/93
“It would require quite a change of our established electronic infrastructure to take away that free exchange of information, worldwide.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Republicans #election #truth #lies

CW22 13/94
“Although it is a complete unknown what happens if Musk’s plan to allow paid trolls undeterredly to overwhelm the Internet with misinformation & conspiracy theories.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #MAGAts #ClassWar #Blue

CW22 13/95
“With the wealth on their side pushing such a flood of dark & hateful “journalism,” it is debatable what happens to the truth under those conditions. I confess this is one corner of it all into which I am completely unable to see.”

THREAD... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO…

CW22 13/96
“*Stay Tuned*

“Finally, the image at the end of *Pleasantville* is the most apt for what we might next expect: The only thing we know for sure is that what is coming will be different from anything we have known.

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 13/97
This has been the complete Chapter 13 of my book just published 10/16/2022,

titled *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*
which is

“A Cultural & Political Psychohistory of America from the 1950s to 2022”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #FBR #BlueWave

CW22 13/98
... enjoy this threaded version of the chapter,

or click a link & enjoy the entire book--completely available at this time--with my compliments, posted on my blog.

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #BlueWave #Trump #MerrickGarland #truth #ClassWar

CW22 13/99
The entire book is available online at the links

& you can download a free copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* there.

Feel free to share & pass this book around as you wish

in preparation for the existentially important Midterm elections


CW22 13/100
This is the completed, extensively illustrated document for *Culture War, Class War 2022*

Click link:


It is a pdf file, & looks exactly as the book looks.

Feel free to download it, pass it around, use it to help a Democratic Blue Wave 11/8

CW22 13/101
The book was written as a primer on history & current events, leading to the crucial Midterm elections Nov 2022

said about *Culture War, Class War 2022":

"Well worth reading...Describes where we are and how we got here with great accuracy."


CW22 13/102
If, instead of free copies, you wish to purchase the book—ebook or print—these are links to use:

Paperback: amazon.com/dp/B0BJ4YVDQC/…

Ebook: amazon.com/Culture-War-Cl…

All my books are sold at cost or absolute lowest price Amazon will allow


CW22 13/103
Democrats need to WIN BIG in November

or it is all over for democracy in America & the world

& for the life on this planet.

You can use your copy of *Culture War, Class War 2022* to get word out to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.


CW22 13/104
& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

And, above all, VOTE DEMOCRATIC

-->..wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #BlueWave

CW22 13/105

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More from @sillymickel

Oct 25
Chapter 14

of *Culture War, Class War: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Truth & Liars:

“Obvious Truths” (Actual Untruths) Were Employed Together with an Exact & Strategic Use of Misinformation

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #BlueWave #Matrix

CW22 14/1
“[*Chapter 14 text begins:*] In Part Four of *Culture War, Class War 2022* we look at how the Big Lie continued in the past five decades of America.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Blue #Matrix #Midterms #Republicans #ClassWar #BlueWave #FBR #resist #lies #BLM

CW22 14/2
“We delve more deeply into the Class War that has been behind the Culture War as laid out in Parts 1, 2, & 3. We see the 50-year invisible “family” revealed—the “community” that surrounded all Americans & affected every aspect of their lives..”


CW22 14/3
Read 51 tweets
Oct 25
Ch 23, titled, ““The Compassion Gap:

“With the Excuse of “The Game,” Small-Hearted Folks Can Now Flaunt Their Mean-Spiritedness”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(pub 10/2022)


CW22Q 23/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as well as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22Q 23/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…what happened to our country? We were supposed to be a country that valued human life, for example, but is now valuing contract law over that.” []

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #BlueWave #Midterms #ClassWar #resist #Republicans

CW22 23/3
Read 51 tweets
Oct 23
Chapter 22, titled, “Better Off Than Fifty Years Ago?

“Rules Made to Benefit the Wealthy Are Now More Important Than Life”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(published 10/2022)


CW22Q 22/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

Fr *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as wells as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE...


CW22Q 22/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…these days you have the attitude, ‘A dollar laid is a dollar played’; people’s suffering is irrelevant to the game.” []

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Blue #Midterms #ClassWar #resist #Republicans #taxes #FilthyRich #economics

CW22 22/3
Read 50 tweets
Oct 22
Chapter 12

of *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema, is titled,

“Cultural Rebirth, Aborted:

“It’s a Not so Wonderful Life for the WWII Generation...yet the King Refuses to Die”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #Midterms #psychology

CW22 12/1
“The paramount theme in *Pleasantville*—which is that thinking for oneself & following one’s own unique path & being open to the change that comes with that brings “color,” truth,& aliveness to one’s life—is truly a 60s Generation idea.”

THREAD wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22 12/2
“Again, it is not that it has never been thought before. All great ideas have been thought before, but that does not mean they have been implemented on a sociocultural, macrocosmic level.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #psychology #Blue #history

CW22 12/3
Read 123 tweets
Oct 21
Ch 21, titled, “The Great American About Face:

“There Was a Time When Kindness Was a Noble Thing; Nightmare Apparent”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(published 10/16/2022)


CW22Q 21/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as wells as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP

CW22Q 21/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “You don’t know what I’m getting at. Yet this is the indicator of the gradual change in our country that would be missed by those younger than myself.” []

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #Midterms #compassion #Blue #MeanSpiritedness

CW22 21/3
Read 42 tweets
Oct 21
Chapter 11

of *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

is titled,

“Culture War Allegory:

“Reversing the Invasion of the Body Snatchers...to Follow or Not to Follow the Script”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2017/10/cultur… #FBR #psychology #history

CW22 11/1
“[*Chapter 11 text begins:*] The film, *Pleasantville*, is a postmodern sociological allegory or fable released in 1998.”

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1C4cs-2HP #Midterms #psychology #history #Fifties #Psychohistory #parenting #HumanNature

CW22 11/2
“*Not So Pleasantville*

“It begins in then-current time against a backdrop of the usual violence, chaos, & turbulence that we are conditioned by the media to believe characterized the Nineties in America.”

READ/DWL BOOK... drive.google.com/file/d/1ySbhcO… #psychology #history

CW22 11/3
Read 122 tweets

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