Investment decisions can be taken based on tax implications. There is a natural tendency among investors to be drawn to investments where they feel taxes are lower. (2/n)
Taxation is as much a driver of investment decisions as investment merits are. In fact, investors often view investment merits primarily from the implications of taxation. (4/n)
Taxation tends to bias investment decisions far more than we think they do. We tend to be over-influenced by tax implications, but investment merits should always be given greater importance while making investment decisions. (5/n)
Investment merits matter more than tax considerations. If strong investment merits are seen, then the performance from that investment could be far superior to an investment that is chosen purely on tax considerations. (6/n)
When the performance of an investment can be improved significantly by carefully weighing the merits, an investor must not fail to capture those merits in his investment choices. (7/n)
In the recently passed budget, the government has changed taxation on debt mutual funds. This will certainly change the tax outflows for several investors. (9/n)
It will be very tempting to change the investment approach under such circumstances. While investors should certainly factor these tax changes into their decision-making, they should carefully weigh their pros and cons while they arrive at their financial decisions. (10/n)
Choices must be curated far more carefully, and investors must be very diligent in making their investment decisions. Risk management should be done in a more organized and cautious manner. (12/n)
The last week has caused a significant reset in our investing. We are once again worried about how global factors will come to hurt. Banking, which is the bed rock of every economy looks like the most rattled space in the west. (2/n)
When smaller banks look weak, they create a systematic scare which needs to be urgently addressed. What we are seeing in the US is a rush to douse the fire that can damage far more than we can imagine. (3/n)
Highlights from the keynote address made by Mr. Deepak Bagla, Managing Director & CEO of Invest India at the Standard Chartered Treasury Leadership Forum 2023.
This is the first time in the history of India’s 5000 years of existence, that the 3 pillars are going through a rapid transformation at the same point in time.
The 3 Pillars:
- Economic
- Social
- Political (3/n)
One week is a long time in global banking. Or, so it seems if one goes by the latest inflation and interest rate commentary of the federal reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. (2/n)