@qatarairways Migrant workers incl domestic workers continued to face a range of abuses, incl wage theft, forced labour, exploitation and abuse despite reforms. Authorities repressed freedom of expression to silence critical voices. #Qatar #HumanRightsViolations amnesty.org/en/location/mi…
@qatarairways Women continued to face discrimination in law and practice and needed the permission of a male guardian to study, travel or marry. Laws continued to discriminate against LGBTI people, putting them at risk of arrest and torture. amnesty.org/en/location/mi…
@SenSanders #GreenDemocraticSocialism
"In (the US) three people own more wealth than the bottom half of all Amercan society"
"A system ruled by greed and rigged against ordinary people"
If you represent an organisation concerned about this government's culpable inaction, or insufficient action in addressing the Climate & Ecological Crisis and the Sixth Mass Extinction, please lend your support to this great call for climate/social justice extinctionrebellion.uk/the-big-one/#i…
A handful of billionaires own most of the corporations, corporate media and social media and practically every major institution that affects our collective and individual quality of life. theconversation.com/rich-and-famou…
@AvantiWestCoast How come that the pile of crap called Avanti West Coast is still allowed to operate train services I will never understand. I'm supposed to be on my way to Wolverhampton. So far I got as far as Euston.
I've been here for a while now; and train after train after train from Avanti is being cancelled! Due to staff shortages. Why don't they just hire more staff?! (No, it's not a train strike day).
And I'm not allowed to catch the next Birmingham train as it's operated by North Western Service. How come North West Rail is able to staff their trains and Avanti are not?! The information board very helpfully says "ask staff" - WHAT STAFF?!