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Jun 14th 2023
#DelhiHighCourt judges, Justice Jasmeet Singh and Justice Vikas Mahajan, are still holding court at 10 PM to hear urgent cases during summer vacations.

This is the second time the two judges have held court till late night this week. On Monday, they heard cases past 9:30 PM. Image
While sitting in the division bench, the two judges heard a total of 32 cases.

Justice Singh has 76 cases listed before him in the single bench, whereas Justice Mahajan has 62 cases before him.

#DelhiHighCourt #SummerVacations #Law #Lawyers #Judiciary
Justice Jasmeet Singh has risen at 10:20 PM.

Justice Mahajan is still holding court.

Read 6 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Pl see which one of these are already doing and which ones you are missing

#CA #CS #CMA #Lawyers #CAOffice #CAFirm Image
Read 10 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
1/BREAKING: #UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers sent a communication letter to the #PRC Government on #HK's #NSL, legal aid and law reforms affecting local & overseas #lawyers. Images are extracts. Full text:… ImageImageImage
2/ This letter of communication covers issues of human rights protections, judicial independence, fair trial under the NSL, as well as police powers, legal aid reforms, new cap of judicial review, foreign counsel and the latest government proposed bill of the Legal Practitioners……
3/ Impressive quotes can be found: 'Many of the provisions in the NSL seem to be at odds with your Excellency’s Government international legal obligations, in particular as set out in the ICCPR and customary law norms recognized in the UDHR.'
Read 8 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
Lawyer moves Delhi High Court challenging Bar Council of Delhi’s recent notification making the filing of Aadhar Card and Voter ID bearing address of Delhi or NCR mandatory for future enrolments of lawyers.

#Lawyer #DelhiHighCourt #BarCouncilOfDelhi Image
The plea has been filed by Advocate Rajani Kumar, a law graduate from Delhi University and resident of Bihar. The grievance is that the notification is arbitrary, discriminatory and against the provisions of Advocates Act.
Justice Prathiba M Singh has asked the petitioner lawyer to implead the Bar Council of India in the plea and listed it for hearing on May 02.

#DelhiHighCourt #Lawyers
Read 5 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
If you represent an organisation concerned about this government's culpable inaction, or insufficient action in addressing the Climate & Ecological Crisis and the Sixth Mass Extinction, please lend your support to this great call for climate/social justice…
Read 93 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
I used the new GPT-4 api to 'chat' with a 56-page legal PDF document about the famous supreme court case: Morse v. Frederick

Powered by @LangChainAI and @pinecone

#openai #chatgpt #gpt4 #legal #lawyers #law
Original PDF of legal case:…
Tutorial Youtube Video:

Github repo(code):…

My visual diagram of the pdf chatbot architecture below...
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
1/ Thread (8) Young Lawyers who want to learn Criminal Law without help of any guide or mentor, may consider following points.
1) Criminal law is a "Tacit Knowledge" (Knowledge that is learned by doing a task. Just like learning to ride on a bicycle. Here the whole body learns the skill when a job is actually being done.)
2) To learn from a case, you must have access to some actual record of a criminal case.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
1/ (7) Young lawyers often feel stuck in their career. They may try following exercise.

This exercise is called "20 Sentence Completion Exercise"
2/ Write, "I feel stuck in my life because ........ ".

Then complete this sentence 20 times. This will take out all worries from your mind and will put them on paper where you can see them.
3/ Then write, "I feel unstuck because .....".

Now, complete this sentence 20 times.

Here are some examples which have guided me :
Read 7 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
1/ (6)Young lawyers who do not like Criminal Law, may consider following points.

Crimes happen in morning.
Crimes happen in Afternoon.
Crimes happen in evening..
Crimes happen during nights.
2/ Rich people commit crimes.
Poor people commit crimes.
Middle class people commit crimes.

Crimes happen in posh colonies.
Crimes happen in slums.
3/ Crimes happen in winter.
Crimes happen in summer.
Crimes happen in monsoon.

In criminal law you need to master only three laws.

In criminal law you need to read judgements on only three laws.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
1/ (5)Young lawyers may find it helpful to keep a "Chronicle of Mistakes".

In young age, we are bound to make mistakes. After a hearing is over, we have lots of second thoughts on what we could have done differently to win the case.
2/ But by then, the bus has left. We feel sorry and guilty.

Following point can be remembered to reduce stress of discovering our own mistakes.
3/ "It is okay to be wrong. It is okay to commit mistakes. I showed up and I tried. And that is what it matters. "

It helps to keep a Chronicle of mistakes or a Learning Journal, to record what we could have done differently.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
1/ (4)Young lawyers need to be clear about their fee policies.

I hear lots of juniors who complain that clients exploit them and pay them very low fees.

Following point can be remembered to reduce stress of being paid low fees.
2/ "Fee is not always in cash. It can also be rewards of other kinds".

Since 1982, my fee policy is :

"Whatever you can pay. You should be comfortable. And I should also be comfortable. You should not expect me to spend from my own pocket".
3/ My definition of "My being Comfortable" kept changing upward as my clients base grew.

Let me know if this suggestion is helpful and practical.

(c) Haresh Raichura 10th February.2023.

#lawyers #law #lawstudents #lawschool #lawyerlife
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
Read 104 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
1) I lived under the regime of the #SEC for 25 years as an investment banker. So what I am about to tell you is nothing new to me. Every member of the securities industry can corroborate and every securities lawyer with integrity can back these statements.
2) DISCLAIMER: Before you proceed, you must know that I am not a #securities lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In addition, these are only my own opinions.
3) The SEC designs rules that makes them "operatively contagious", like a virus. If Im sick and I touch you, you get sick. To understand what this means one first MUST understand the term #Gatekeeper as it is has been commonly used in the regulatory community.
Read 24 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
A Noida Court will today hear the bail plea of advocate Bhaavya Roy who was arrested by police for allegedly hurling abuses at security guards working in a residential society.

#BhavyaRoy #NoidaCourt #lawyers #BhaavyaRoy
A video of Bhaavya Roy had gone viral on social media in which she was seen calling security guard "Bihari" and using other sexually lewd words.

The viral video shows her as assaulting the security guards.

#BhavyaRoy #NoidaCourt #lawyers #BhaavyaRoy
Bhaavya Roy was arrested by Noida Police and has been sent to judicial custody.

The bail application will be heard by Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) Richa Upadhyay.

Hearing is likely to start at 12 noon

#BhavyaRoy #NoidaCourt #lawyers #BhaavyaRoy
Read 7 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
Thread (1 to 8 ) 1/ A liftman in my chamber building recently committed suicide. We are taught in colleges that Law is considered science of social engineering.

Then can we explain position of law relating to suicide of this liftman ?
2/ He was in his 40th year. He used to salute me everytime I enter and leave lawyers chambers. Like all other lawyers, I also used to give him tips. But then nothing more.
3/ When I heard about his sudden suicide, I first time realised that he too was a human being with emotions. So far I used to see him only as a liftman.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
Thread : To persuade young #lawyers to sacrifice something in order to get long term benifits.

1/ Are you willing to sacrifice something for a better future? Then the following example may inspire you.

#lawyers #lawstudents #students #lawtwitter
2/ It was around 1991. I was preparing for AOR Supreme Court Exam. It was my first attempt at this exam. I had rented one room at about 200 feet distance away from my house.

In this room, I used to go to read for about 8 hours a day.

I used to study alone.
3/ (In 1975 around, I had picked up a quote from a book, "Isolation and Discipline are essential for progress of an Individual". I used to follow this concept wherever I can.)
Read 7 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
Thread : What care a #law #student should take while sitting in library, and digesting law #books? How should he navigate through thousands of books in law library of #college? What books to read and what to ignore?

1) The topic of this thread itself is complicated.
2/ But once I was also a law student. (In 1977). All the law books in law college library amazed me! It looked as if each book was radiating powers of the good over the evil. I had dreams of power and wealth and these books looked like my passport to a golden future.
3/ Do not blame me, if after reading this thread you become demotivated to read those AMAZING law books.

I may have tell you something which may not be found in ANY law book of ANY law college.
Read 31 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
Thread : What to keep in mind while arguing criminal cases involving finnancial frauds.

1) In cases involving murders etc, human emotions are involved. Various kinds of human circumstances evoke emotions that lead to the crime of murder. All these human factors are relevant.
2/ So even if it may look that the crime is such that death penalty should be given, when a lawyer minutely works on a series of emotional issues that lead upto the very minute of the crime, the judge may decide not to give death penalty.
3/ But cases involving financial frauds are different. Here the have usually zero sympathy towards accused.

These criminal cases of finnancial frauds are quite different. Sometimes amounts are huge and sometimes the amounts are very small..
Read 7 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Thread : Why a litigant gets embroiled in multiple cases even when he is not a fault....

1/ #Lawyers will naturally earn more when a client has to fight more than one cases. This issue need to be examined by those concerned with laws in #India
2/ One Example : Suit for possession without seeking decoration of title is not maintainable but a fresh suit can be filed.

1) So first a litigant files suit only for possession and obtains stay against sale of property.

2) When other side points out defect in title,
3/ then the plaintiff withdraws suit and files another suit for possession as well as declaration of title..

The client will have to pay more and more fees.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
Thread : How to read a Legal Document. A small tip..

1) Clients come with heap of letters and documents and ask us to file their case.

There is a method about it which many #Lawyers use.
2) First, listen at length. Do not interrupt client if possible. Do not cross examine him. Do not disturb him. Avoid jumping to any conclusion about his case.
3) We cannot build our case on basis of what clients tell us.

We have to go through the papers he may have brought with him.

If there is a heap of papers, we may have to read them one by one.

Here, if we know some method, it helps. This method is the purpose of this thread.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Alas! Alas ! Alas ! If someone had told me this when I was young. I wish someone had told me then that “The Road of Goals is filled with pebbles of gold.”

All I needed to do was to lift pebbles and to finish goals mentioned under the pebbles.

2/ To understand a cryptic section, we #lawyers and #judges, read a sentence twice, thrice or till we understand meaning of each word.

If you will read earlier tweet in this thread again, you may find that the pebbles on the road to goals are very heavy.
3/ As I came out from the college, I saw that my friends were focusing on picking up pebbles of gold on the road of goals. I however kept gazing at stars, kept reading books and became an idealist. I did not gave much importance to pebbles.
Read 23 tweets
May 29th 2022
Thread : Some Reasons on why Anticipatory Bail, even without copy of FIR, ought to be granted to those who fear arrest for some social media post, posted or shared by them.

1) It is possible for courts to grant anticipatory bail to any law abiding person under Sec.438 of CrPC
2) The meaning of Anticipatory bail is simply this, the police should not arrest, but should get some personal bond from accused that he/she will co-operate with investigation.
3/ The grant of an anticipatory bail order, instantly frees the accused from fear arrest and torture by police of different States. It frees him/her from fears of custodial deaths or ill treatment in police station.

#lawyers #lawstudents
Read 14 tweets
May 29th 2022
Thread on How NOT to take legal advice.

1/ If you believe that nowadays it is very easy to get legal advice. Then, this thread is for you. This thread may help you to think totally differently on lot of things relating to court cases.

#law #lawyers
2/ There are thousands of free resources on internet when a person can ask legal advice. There blogs, articles, paid articles which comes up on search and there are judgements and judgements. Search and you may start receiving calls guiding you free on your legal issue
3/ Some can search lawyers on LinkedIn and can send a hundred inmails seeking advice. Someone may guide him free. "Crowdfunding of Legal Knowledge". Are these methods useful? Or are they just "Baits and Traps"? Have you ever thought in this way?
Read 15 tweets
May 28th 2022
INCREDIBLE IN INDIA Law Makers do not need to have a degree of law. Only for lawyers and judges, it is compulsory to pass a law college. No doubt, we have messed up everything. #Lawyers #lawtwitter
2/ New Laws are required NOT REQUIRED to be cleared by any Judicial Committee to examine how many more judges and staff will be needed to deal with cases under new proposed law.
3/ Finance Minister is NOT REQUIRED to provide budget for salaries of judges who may be required to deal with new litigation arising from new law. #lawyers
Read 10 tweets

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