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Gardening for Strangers in Tokyo
By Jared Braiterman…
Daily life in Tokyo is remarkable for its small streets where pedestrians and bicyclists have priority over cars.
Streets can kill cities:Third World beware: Guidelines for street design in Third World cities
Donald Appleyard
Appleyard was killed in 1982 in Athens Greece after being struck by a car. This paper was published posthumously
Driven To Excess: Impacts of Motor Vehicles on the Quality of Life of Residents of Three Streets in Bristol UK
【4K】Lost in Tokyo Underground 2
Unless this reversal can be accomplished, indeed, the traffic problems of the larger cities may become well nigh…
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Remarks to the White House Conference on Highway Safety.
February 17, 1954…
But 80 million cars on our highways! I wonder how people will get to highway conferences to consider the control of highway traffic.
The Making of Urban Japan: Cities and Planning from Edo to the Twenty First Century
By André Sorensen…
Japan's proof-of-parking rule has an essential twin policy
By Paul Barter - Wednesday, June 04, 2014…
Removing urban highways – The story of the Cheonggyecheon Stream in Seoul…
Two Urban Visions: Human Scale vs Automobile Scale

Good except Corbusier quote is criticism of USSR disurbanism fad
Years later, Le Corbusier compiled his criticism on Disurbanism in his book, The Radiant City (1930-1933):…
Parking – Learning from Japan
K.W. Axhausen, M. Chikaraishi and H. Seya
December 2015…
Distribution of street widths in the downtown Hiroshima observation area
Japan: Breaking Urban Expectations
May 2, 2017
By Paola Mendez…
Maps Of Street Layouts Colored By Orientation
Tokyo is by far most organic
While theoretically voluntary, membership in these organisations is still almost universal in urban areas and they…
the almost universal enthusiasm for organised community activities, which in older districts have developed into very elaborate festivals
When you move to a new neighbourhood the genial local constable drops by uninvited in the first week to let you know that the local police
By importing arcane ideas from unrelated disciplines—such as contemporary French literary theory (now outdated)…
For the incredulous, here is a typical passage from an Ivy League design publication, describing the plan for a single-family house:
studio, a deconstructive approach is often an excuse for sloppy reasoning, since carefully constructed arguments are regarded with suspicion
Which street pattern represents your continent?

OCTOBER 9, 2013…
Geography Of Nowhere: The Rise And Declineof America's Man-Made Landscape
By James Howard Kunstler…
Try to imagine a' building of any dignity surrounded by six acres of parked cars.
Harder to understand are its boosters in academia-for instance, John Brinckerhoff Jackson. At Harvard, J. B. Jackson was credited with
What J. B. Jackson appeared to lack, it turned out, were critical faculties. So caught up was he in the empirical dazzle of his observations
Incredibly, Lewis wrote this in 1983, only a few years after the two oil shocks of the 1970s gave America a taste of what life
and never arrive at the conclusion that the Red Barn is an ignoble piece of shit that degrades the community.
The projects Robert Moses built set the pattern for imposing the automobile on cities all over America
He had big plans for these cars, but little thought for the long-term consequences of his plans; scant vision of what the landscape would
And once Moses flim-flamed the state legislature into voting for the Bridge and Tunnel Authority, he was untouchable.
Moses's only ideology was to get highways, bridges, and tunnels built.
Throughout his career, Moses showed a strange enmity for railroad trains and mass transit.
Moses was so alarmed at the prospect of trains cluttering up his highway that he ordered construction to start before the report could be
"Moses was a product of the 1920s," Koppleman said. "His entire orientation was anti mass transit because the early twentieth century was
When he began his career, Long Island was rural. When he retired in 1968, it was a parking lot.
6 Case Studies in Urban Freeway Removal…
And then, when vacation time rolled around, they'd flock back to Disney World to feel good about America.…
1950's TV Ad

1st 37 secs shud hav made thinking person pause&say there is something wrng with our city/suburb design
May be it's time to change it, if u r an imbecile OTOH then the "solution" would be to buy car 2
Place and Non-Place
October 11, 2009…
When you start introducing Non-Places into a city design, you tend to add more and more Non-Places to try to fix the problems caused by the
Annual vehicle kilometres against wealth levels: 1970-2008…
OSMnx: Python for Street Networks…
Square-Mile Street Network Visualization…
Story of cities #36: how Copenhagen rejected 1960s modernist 'utopia'
Thursday 5 May 2016 09.20 BST…
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Examples of zoning screwing up TOD
Why the Streets of Copenhagen and Amsterdam Look So Different From Ours
But then we got the oil crisis. We had been totally dependent on gasoline from the Middle East and when it stopped…
All the squares in Copenhagen at that time were filled up with cars.
London: Roads to nowhere
Imagine a London where the best-known districts no longer exist, crushed by vast, elevated…
In the end, London had got off lightly. Almost every British town of the era was desperate for a hulking ring road. Coventry was gifted one
Dotonbori Dreams - Letters from Japan

People will fly from other end of world to go to places like this not 1
of those urban freeway dumps. This whole area including the canal were developed in 1600's & much of the street grid has been retained
including all the narrow alleyways with the shrines.

Millions also go to Venice, Rome etc for a reason & it's not to gaze @ freeways

when people think about City Design, they think they are planning a moonbase.…
Shinjuku by night

A few mins from here once u disappear down the alleyways into the residential streets, u would be
hard pressed to know u r still very much in central Tokyo with the busiest station of any kind in the world a few mins walk from u because
the cars will largely disappear too or will sit still. Only way to get to station is by walking or taking a cycle,true for even lazy fatties
This is a nice residential neighborhood a little west of Meiji Jingu shrine. Still very much central Tokyo.…
How a city in Spain got rid of its cars
AUGUST 30, 2017…
“leaving the pedestrians above, followed by bicycles and public transport, and with the private car at the bottom.”
The Plazas of Pontevedra, Spain
No1 had to drop me @ school, always walked a few km's. Now 14 yr olds need a school van or mommy to drop them lol…
by reducing the risk of accidents near schools, which are often due to the influx of parents droppings off their kids
Reflections on a public health trip to Japan
September 1, 2017
90% of children walk to school daily.…
Priority is given to the pedestrian, then cyclist, then the motor vehicle.
Cities for people: A lecture by Jan Gehl
Oscar Niemeyer: A Vision in Concrete
Fun fact is this city designed by commies as utopia w/ laborers living side by side with doctors ended up banishing
the laborers who came to build it to favelas surrounding the city. Laborers didn't own cars & to get anywhere u needed a car.
A dated look at it from the 80's

Presumably it has improved as people moved & changed it to adapt to their lives
This was also Corbusier's modernist vision come to life backed by gov't & endless cash
Brasilia, a capital of contrasts
by Michele Fossi…
Pilot Plan–reveals his vision of a utopian city in which the architecture would reflect the democratic values of equality and social justice
city created to embody the principles of equality enshrined in the Constitution paradoxically became the symbol of segregation and social
Le Corbusier and his pack-donkey…
Tokyo street grid…
Largest in world since 1600's & consistently ranked as top 10 livable. So
for muh straight lines, progress, rationality blah blah. LA street grid as point of comparison…
This wasn't sarcasm

This is actually how Brasilia was planned, from the air. It was supposed to look like a plane or
a bird because it was supposed to take Brazil soaring into the utopian future.
Brasilia, Brazil
Brasília at the scale of the car, and its favelas at the scale of its people…

All that the
progressives hated is there, only that it exists in the satellite favelas surrounding Brasilia where the well to do live. Originally this
wasn't supposed to happen of course. Brasilia was the utopia where rich & poor rubbed shoulders, social justice, equality blah blah.
Tokyo Megacity
By Donald Richie…

no mixing of living quarters and working areas would be permitted, making all residents commuters
Once the major period of construction was over, the migrant labour failed to leave the region, somewhat to the surprise of the urban planner
A Lateral View: Essays on Culture and Style in Contemporary Japan
By Donald Richie…
Motor traffic is forbidden (from 1 pm to 6 pm) and, as in olden times, people swarm into the streets
They thought no one would come if they could not park their wheels. They were ruined. They wept in large advertisements. Not at all.
April 15, 2015
anticapitalist, egalitarian and fundamentally rational.
Costa's design is in direct contrast. Instead freeways take precedence, carving through the landscape
Apartment blocks termed 'superquadra' were designed to be equal in every sense of the word: the same facade, the same height, the same
Migrants complained of the monotonous facades; standardisation produced anonymity not equality. Bureaucrats moved out to the other side of
missed the distractions, conversations and little rituals of Brazil's vibrant costal cities. Citizens slowly but surely modified the plan.
this woman witnessed was that every parent who had a child brought them out “because it was safe for them to be out”……
Lesson: Build shitty cities filled with cars, fat asses will need a treadmill for something they could have for free
As shown in Table 2, the average Japanese person 15 years old and above walked 7,421 steps per day in 2002, about 3 ¾ miles
Even men 50-69 walked 7,785 steps daily, and only over age 70 and above did it decline to 4,787 steps, somewhat less than 2 1/2 miles
in Japan many businesses pay for their employees’ commuting costs using
public transportation
The traveler without a car could take a taxi at their destination, but frequently it is more convenient and cheaper to just walk
it is a Narrow Street for People. No sidewalks or roadway segregation. Note that there is no vehicle traffic here…
although you can certainly drive here if you want to. (The words painted on the street say “stop” for drivers.)
the view looking south from the same intersection. This is a little larger Narrow Street for People. We have a few motor vehicles here
Tokyo University, the most prestigious university in Japan, is an easy walk to the west. The Emperor’s Palace, the absolute center of Tokyo,
Showa Dori, a Grand Boulevard-size street that also has an elevated expressway, is represented in the maps above by a yellow and orange colo
80% of streets in this area, and much of Tokyo, are of the Narrow Streets for People format, which have hardly any vehicle traffic at all.
nice buildings and brick pavement, like this street in Celle, Germany, or simple and cheap buildings with plain asphalt, the basic design is
the basic design is the same. The basic result is the same, too: a Pleasant Place for People.

That’s really all there is to it.
【4K】Night walk in Nerima city, Tokyo,7 PM

24 min,near 0 vehicles moving on residential streets,just walkers/cyclists
Tokyo Finds Life Without Cars Is Heaven
May 30, 1971…
122 Shopping Streets in Tokyo Get a Breather From Traffic Pollution
Aug 3, 1970…
Tokyo Asks Tougher Pollution Curbs
May 29, 1972…

This is the same Nerima today
How to Un Moses your City – Auckland
Harriet Gale | April 6, 2017…
Ancient Rome forbade downtown traffic in day…
For strategic purposes, the Tokugawa shogunate strictly limited the use of wheeled vehicles along the highways…
Walkability as Technology…
All r pvt rail/real estate companies.Hanshin even owns Hanshin tigers, Osaka baseball team
#05 丹波|TAMBA

Small city.

Note street grid, similar to rest of old world. US cities from 1800's much wider streets
Onomichi City

Another e.g.

Narrow stepped streets similar to Valletta in Malta. Not built for lazy fatties.
Onomichi: Japan's City of Nostalgia 尾道 | A Travel Movie
Residential Mobility& Local Civic Engagement in Japan & the United States: Divergent Paths to School
Leonard Schoppa…
Obesity Thrives in the Suburbs…
shud say western (esp anglospheric) suburbs.s in Japan built for walking/cycling/rail
Walking around a small alley in Nezu, Tokyo - Long Take【東京・根津】 4K
The French capital's traditional reputation is being ripped up—again…
abdool effect higlighted
The Tokyo Project: Epilogue
by MICHAEL on Aug 15, 2013…
Japan Railway Journal | Hankyu Corporation: A Leading Private Railway Company's Business Model
by MICHAEL on Jan 10, 2013
Jiyūgaoka (自由が丘) is a suburban neighborhood (Japan, not US style suburb)…
Walking around Jiyugaoka, Tokyo - Long Take【東京・自由が丘】 4K
Cinque Terre (Italy, international tourist area) left, favela (slum) in Rio on right. Both grew organically without any modernist "planning"
Column: Psychogeography
Heathen Chinese…
In Chinese polytheism, not only does each city have a tutelary deity who fills the office of Cheng Huang Sheng (“god of the moat and walls”), but local land deities who fill the role of Tu Di Gong (“lord of soil and ground”).
Medellín made urban escalators famous, but have they had any impact?
JULY 24, 2014…
Walking distance in minutes between all Tokyo subway stations…
Wanking off to terms like "smart city" grabs more attention vs simply saying ctrl c, ctrl v this as best as u can

It's not "revolutionary" or "creative" as Silicon Valley would say
How You May Live and Travel in the City of 1950
Harvey Wiley Corbett Style Cities of Tomorrow…
Gujō Hachiman - Gifu - 郡上市 - 4K Ultra HD
founded in the 16th century

note street width compared to small town north america
City: Rediscovering the Center
By William H. Whyte

But the most fascinating of Tokyo’s streets are its ordinary ones. Mile after mile, they are consistently more interesting than ours.…
Tokyo disabused me of any notion that classical architecture was integral to creating walkable, human-scaled places, or that newness per se is the problem.…
People, Parking, and Cities
The parking garage, ostensibly designed to serve the Philharmonic, now
has the Philharmonic serving it
Does Elon Musk Understand Urban Geometry?
Posted on July 21, 2016…
a vehicle going directly from your exact origin to your exact destination at your chosen time won’t be useful to many people other than you.
As Edward Glaser said, “one’s own tastes are rarely a sound basis for public policy.”
Smart cities aren’t just the ones that chase the latest technology fads. They’re the ones that think carefully about the spatial, geometric problem that a dense city is.
A Revolution That Didn't Happen: Personal Rapid Transit
October 3, 2016…

I wonder what flaws could have caused this to fail...
Parking Craters: Scourge of American Downtowns

when u provide "free" (i.e. socialized) parking or mandate parking minimums
How did I become interested in urbanism?

Originally I wanted to look into how to lower oil imports from Mohammedans & thereby reduce their pernicious influence....
Saturday, November 29, 2014
National transport infrastructure: the importance of a national train system…
Japanese cities tend to be very walkable, which is awesome, thanks to lax zoning which allows developments to follow an economic logic favoring the efficiency of density and proximity and a government that doesn't see as its primary purpose to provide free high-speed roads
When we talk of trains in Japan, what most people think of is the Shinkansen, the famous "bullet train"
However, shinkansen lines aren't that common, most cities aren't directly connected to it. The real unsung hero of the Japanese transit system is the humble regional rail syste
Modern urban planning summed up in a picture
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Japan's housing mix: an example

It's a suburb of Sendai but at 15-minute walking distance from a train station linking directly to Sendai station and thus Sendai's downtown area, a 25-minute trip…
Sustainable Urban Transport in an Asian Context
edited by Hitoshi Ieda
Seoul and Singapore show significantly rapid growth in metros.…
Fig. 4-2. Route Length of “Metro” Rail Systems in Asian Cities and Time from Opened Year
Fig. 4-3. Network density of metro rails and their ridership density
Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong in the figure comparatively attract passengers more efficiently.
the emission rates from urban rail systems are about one tenth of those from private cars. As a matter of fact the transport share of rail systems in Tokyo is 43%
The extensive network of rail systems in Tokyo took long years to build. It will be convenient to understand if we group the network into three types;
One of the original means of subway construction in Tokyo is its “Through Operation” with the suburban rail lines. Namely, the end of the
newly constructed subway lines are to be directly connected to some of suburban rail systems in order for trains to be operated through different tracks of different operators.
Land-use pattern in Tokyo metropolitan area
Fridaygram: Japanese Shotengai
By Charles Bond
October 30, 2015

Shotengai are a type of shopping arcade found in Japan…
1 of the reasons why American cars don't sell in Japan
Toranomon, Tokyo.

Single-story house alongside highrises.

NIMBY's having low power due to lax zoning is what allows such constant change & affordable housing.
Yurakucho, Tokyo

Why waste space underneath the train tracks
Tokyo: 14 Neighbourhoods (1/3)
There is no zoning akin to the industrial-commercial-residential separation we have in the West. Architectural style is generally not regulated…
Typical non arterial streets which make up the vast majority of streets. Through these u walk/cycle to your train station instead of driving to a gym, getting on an escalator to the gym doors, & paying money to walk on a treadmill as in "futuristic smart cities".
Tominagacho, Kyoto
Sapporo: A Walkabout…

Most American city since it was built in late 1800's during Meiji restoration & lot of Americans were involved in early days. Hence the wide streets (by Japanese stds), grid layout. But ends up with high transit + cycling despite cold
They are often new and incorporate small restaurants, barbershops, or other small businesses on the ground floor.

- Banned by zoning in many "smart cities"
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sapporo: a relevant Japanese model for North America…
That village is a tourist hot spot, cars r banned & u must be prepared to walk

Streets r narrow, winding, & unplanned. Basically a "slum" if we go by modernist urban planning lexicon like Cinque Terre in Italy (another tourist draw)
Masuleh Iran
Italy's Riviera: Cinque Terre
Transit Oriented Development and Land Value Capture in Japan
Takeo Murakami
Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism (MLIT)…

Tokyu is 1 of largest private railway companies. Currently developing Tokyu Binh Duong Garden City in Vietnam…
Brasilia was once the "smart city" of it's day designed by progressives/commies from scratch supposedly to abolish class divisions & it's as segregated as Rio or Sau Paulo if not more. Designed almost fully for cars with strict zoning.
When u tell people it's okay to mooch off the taxpayer through "free" parking instead of making them pay for their parking everywhere. Somewhere in PRC.
Narrow alley in Jimbocho, Tokyo
Two streets off of massive Yasukuni Doori.…
Tokyo artist creates photo-realistic drawings with colored pencils
Scott Wilson
Feb 18, 2015
Ryota Hayashi has been bringing the Nakano Ward of Tokyo to life for the past several years through his breathtakingly realistic colored pencil renditions…
Prince Charles' 10 principles of urbanism: typical example of what's wrong with urbanists/architects
No matter how great the areas you build are, if most people can't afford to live in them, only a privileged few will get to experience them to the fullest.…
Tourism boom drives Japan to convert offices into hotels
July 31, 2015 07:30 am JST…

Don't believe all that hype about Anglophere's respect for "property rights". It actually has the strongest NIMBY lobby in world.

Now u know y u may see a Ryokan flanked
by 2 midrise modern office buildings in Tokyo, if there is mkt demand & owner is willing to sell the land they will be built so along as they don't violate the lax zoning code (e.g. by putting heavy industry there, light industry allowed).

The only "preservation" is of shrines &
u will see them in unexpected places due to this. If redevelopment is unavoidable, the buyer will often move the shrine to their rooftop. You will find quiet a few rooftop shrines

Tokyo: Unusual Destinations, Rooftop Shrines
Seeing like a state: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed
By James C. Scott…

Always thought Chandigarh looked like an ugly piece of shit, only later in life I found out it was a product of Corbusier & Nehruvian "scientific temper"
Le Corbusier embraced the huge, machine-age, hierarchical, centralized city with a vengeance. If one were looking for a caricature - a Colonel Blimp, as it were, of modernist urbanism-one could hardly do better than to invent Le Corbusier.
In their magnitude, these plans speak for themselves. No compromise is made with the preexisting city; the new cityscape completely supplants its predecessor.
14. Le Corbusier's Plan Voisin for Paris, a city of 3 million people
Le Corbusier's plan for the "business city" of Buenos Aires, as if seen from
an approaching ship
Quiet similar to the Abrahamisms, the past is so much darkness before Yahweh/Jesus/Allah belatedly decided to reveal sublime wisdom about donkey emissions (Ezekiel 23:20) to us

BTW 1st monotheist Pharaoh Akhenaten also built a whole new utopian city from scratch for his cult
It is impossible to read much of Le Corbusier or to see many of his architectural drawings without noticing his love (mania?) for simple, repetitive lines and his horror of complexity.
intersect at all sorts of angles and that the variations are infinite. "But," he replied,
"that's precisely the point. I eliminate all those things. That's my starting point.... I insist on right-angled intersections."
A Walk in Kanazawa City, Japan 金沢 | A short travel film

A similar street grid is to be found to Kanazawa vid. The difference is in architecture & materials used but u still find plenty of people walking etc. OTOH u can build classical XYZ building surrounded by 6 acres of parking, will still look lyk a POS.
近江八幡 - The tour of Omihachiman -
September 20, 2014
European, American and Japanese approaches to height and density…
That's y profitability has to be a key consideration for transit. If u go outside older cores of EU, transit share falls sharply & cars become much more prevalent (reflected in fact that Japanese drive far less than Europeans). Basically they cannot
replicate the older street grid where as in Japan they can. Reason is that suburbs r often developed or have heavy involvement of rail companies (e.g. Tama garden city). If Tokyu fucks up in the design of their suburb, their bottom line is @ stake. No consequences OTOH if u plonk
down cities from scratch as in PRC & they remain empty for years because it's all taxpayer dole. In the mkt, a developer who built something like that will go under. Once rail companies like Tokyo or Hankyu figured out how to maximize on TOD, they began to replicate the layout
in their new developments. That means train station becomes more than a building surrounded by a huge car parking lot for all the obese hippo's to come park & waddle in. Instead they maximize retail etc in the station real estate.

That kind of "planning" can works because if u
fuck up ur ass is in fire. OTOH there is no skin in the game for the Corbusier dreamers plonking down towers in a park on taxpayer dime.

That's why suburban Tokyo looks nothing like ur image of a "suburb" in North America. Here is Jiyugaoka

as of 2006, according to Calimente. That year Tokyu generated $2.63 billion in revenue en route to $587 million in profits.…
Both are located in dense communities that include schools, businesses, and government facilities. And both stations discourage automobile dependence.
10 Failed Utopian Cities That Influenced the Future…
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