Jesus H. Christmas Caroles. This guy is a profound moron par none.
Um, Sarah Palin. Someone just stole your word salad
Note: the act of even typing that caused neurons to die.
This is like Mean Girls: Stupid Edition.
Trump is making himself responsible for Strange's outcome...
The guy got booted twice... Man, losing to him is gonna sting Donnie.
Nooooooo, he's on the drug sack bit...
Trump just mainlined some racist heroin into the Huntsville crowd by tacitly calling Colin Kaepernick a SOB
...and with the crowd clapping, Trump knows he found some good race-bait and is locked in
I seriously need a beer to endure this.
Fact-check: Nope.
"I'd rather have the popular vote...... count... because... (trails off)."
It was apropos of nothing. He realized he had said it... and then just froze.
This is seriously like reading a guilty person's thought balloon.
Now, if only his subconscious was less incoherent.
That sh** was like a Shakespearean sonnet compared to this.
Clean coal!
This is good news to the zero coal miners in Alabama, I'm sure
Poor Luther. NEVER let the drunk uncle make a toast, Lu!
It. Is. Over...
I dunno, Big Lu, I think they call that foreshadowing.
I must know go breath the sweet night air to cleanse my soul of toxins.
Other than the typos, here's what jumped out at me