2.) Nobody is forcing you to read it
3.) These are not my own ideas
4.) Info can easily be googled/youtubed

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control - The Vigilant Citizen vigilantcitizen.com/?p=12502 via @vigilantfeed

Kanye West Net Worth 2017:How Rich Is Kanye In 2017? insentonews.com/kanye-west-net… via @Insento News

10 Celebs Who Killed Their Careers After Dissing Beyonce

-End up w/ an alter ego (lucky)
-Demon possession (Nicki Minaj, Bey)
-DID (worst)

ER Nurse Drops Kanye West ‘MK Ultra’ Truth Bomb viralipy.com/er-nurse-drops… via @Truth Goes Viral