
1. Choose a subject.
I have no problem to choose. There is so much to talk about!
Let's say I chose the Challenger accident
The search for infos are the big part. For Challenger I read all the commission report. I also watch documentaries.
It's a first time I release one of my scripts in public : docs.google.com/document/d/1XA…
It's about Cassini/Huygens
2. Takes are easier
3. Shooting time is shorter
4. It adds dynamics to the video
I always begin with it. Easy part. I don't act. I just tell the story as I would tell it to a friend.

Before filming, I try to choose a good place for the subject. For my video about Rosetta/Philae, I asked to film in a exhibition

I always film in 1080p 29.97fps.

6. Editing the video
You gonna be surprised, but I use Sony Vegas 13.