We, the common folk (or cattle, as i'm starting to see myself as) were sold these deals as yet another foreign relations blunder of the Obama administration. But were they?

3 deals we solidified that month:
1. The nuclear proliferation deal (JCPOA),
2. US-Iran hostage exchange, and
3. A $1.7 Billion dollar cash transfer from the US to...???

Iran flew our four to Geneva upon receipt of $400M cash from the US.

Alleged photo of the $400M cash

BUT, the similarities to U1, and a recent torrent of new info says OTHERWISE.

This is where it gets interesting

Some reports say the initial $400M was delivered to Tehran in USD.
Others report it wired to Geneva (IBoS/Rothschilds), turned into a basket of foreign currency, then flown to Iran.

Oliver North, Fast and Furious, Air America all come to mind from a deal like this.
Not saying this was CIA drug deal...I think it was much WORSE.

-Nowhere in the deal are US payments to Iran mentioned.
-Iran agreed to give up its 3.67% - 20% enriched Uranium (all but 300kg)
-10 tons of uranium were "transferred out of Iran"

-Does not mention what happens with any current weapons grade Uranium (plutonium)
-Does not prevent Iran from continued nuke weapons SYSTEMS development (i.e. missiles or warheads)
-It is almost a surety, based on multiple intelligence agencies, that NK and Iran are developing ICBM missiles together
-Iran tested a NKorean ICBM in 2016
-Iran has openly stated that it WILL work with NK to develop weapons
(all post JCPOA enactment, 2016-2017)
An alliance formed by the 2nd "in charge" of NK with Iran

Going with that theory, what did Russia do with it?
-How did NK get weapons grade uranium?
-How did they learn to miniaturize a nuke warhead?
-How did they fix their rocket/missile problems?
-successful missile tests, nuke & helium bomb test...all AFTER 17 January, 2016.

...with just a teensy-weensy bit of help covering them up by, 95% of the MSM.

Nope, pay-for-play, just like the rest of the crew.
$2M no-bid contract from DoS to his daughters non-profit "institution"
Who do we have here?
Looks like 'Ol slick Willy
John (i love pizza) Podesta
And Kim Jong Il in 2009.
They made a "visit" to rescue a few "journalists" (CIA) who were caught in NK
Podest just seems to be 'erewhere!

-an AWFUL deal for the US
-Untraceable $1.3B in foreign cash moved by unmarked cargo planes.
-An established NK/Iran weapons/tech sharing and development program
-Corrupt pay-for-play actors, involving "Russia"
-Unexplained, rapid development of NK's nuke abilities

We've accepted that our "politicians" sell our nation for personal gain.
But why arm NK? I thought we didn't want them to have nukes?
Who ALWAYS wins in World Wars?
Nothing is what we're told it is.
The End.

There are many more like them. Double dealing.
Prescott Bush is @HwBush5 's Father and George W Bush's grandfather.