“finally, if you will, a modest suggestion...” nah, sit down.
“get all of us to come down from our homes, our jobs, and make us listen to that bullshit”
“you should’ve asked some of the people you got hurt. you should’ve asked the people who were there.”
mary carey 🔥
“we want accountability. you need i give it to us. that is your role. we elect you.” breaking it down real simple for this council.
COMMUNITY ACCOUNTABILITY! folks on that dais aren’t part of this community in a meaningful way.
“the $1.5 mil is a fictional price tag”
“to say that it could have been worse is to gaslight us and susan bro.” an insult to heather.
review goes very way on city mgr jones — who controls funding for report
🔥 Daaaaave!!
request update to cross burning code, make new law to criminalize use of flame to intimidate, generally. (is this local ordinance or does this go to legislative packet? i don’t know)
i’m really confused that this was news?
“nobody says that’s true”
nice to hear from jones, i guess, but come on. plenty of people say it’s true. he’s sitting next to you, for chrissake.
race didn’t directly affect how the city prepared for events
“i don’t think our task was to look at the history of white supremacy or its corrosive effects” race was outside the scope of the review
he understood report to be limited to how the events came about, how the city handled them
didn’t find, in the city or in the police department, that issue directly affected events
what, did you run out of pages?!
“we’re talking about two totally different cultures”
cops can’t even live in the city — cry me a river. i’ll link to the cville tomorrow article about this later.
“we’re talking about serious gulfs between the groups”
“i wonder what business he owns?” — wise comrade sitting next to me 😂
talking about ‘council on race,’ gesturing to the audience “here’s your dialogue on race right here.”
great lead in to nikuyah
— why must we spend so much time demanding accountability from this council?!
we yell because we don’t feel heard.
“we need social, moral political leadership”
no sacrificial lamb, we need structural, systemic changes. yes.