🚨 This is extremely important🚨
We have until March 31st for Congress to provide funding for #PaperBallots in the 2018 midterms.
Please call your MOC today & everyday until 3/31 on this.
☎️(202) 224-3131
🔹Most Accurate
🔹Least Vulnerable
To ensure this, paper ballots must be Hand Counted with Audits.
It's gone very well for our peer countries who feared Russian interference after the 2016. There was no decades long debate & litigation for this.

Watch ➡️

All voting machines were hacked in less than 90 minutes. They even found a CF memory card in a surplus voting machine that contained sensitive voter registration records.
The exit polls were off by as high as 10%. Anything above 2-3% indicates suspect anomalies. MI, PA and WI were all above 3%

The Voting machines failed in 59% of the precincts on 2016 Election Day.
➡️ amp.timeinc.net/time/4599886/d…
Then, a judge halted the MI recount after just 3 days.
Here’s what happened in just one county in WI during the recount. The voting machine count and what was “allowed” to be recounted did not match.
Reminder: These voting machines are still in use today.
Please call your MOC & demand #PaperBallots
“They'll be back..they'll be back in 2020, they may be back in 2018...”
- James Comey