After the 2016 election, however, he claimed he was going to reveal himself.

In fact, he's merely in danger of being identified by federal authorities and arrested for violation of federal criminal statutes he well knew before violating them.

Of course, the term merely denotes a certain *type* of FBI probe—like TWA 800 was.
A man Kallstrom describes as a "very good friend" (Daily Beast) did the same thing—Rudy Giuliani.
He was acting in a situation essentially without precedent—the DOJ declaring publicly that the FBI would have final word on a prosecution.
In contrast, the FBI agents who leaked to Giuliani, Kallstrom, and Thomas Paine (True Pundit) were biased *and* corrupt. Their actions clearly violated federal statute.
Under Twitter's Terms and Conditions, Paine should be *permanently* banned from Twitter for using it to commit crimes.