I can clear this up.
It's because people know tax bills are about trade offs. And factoring everything in, they believe this bill makes them worse off.
Median income, as of Sept 2017, was $59,039.
According to the NYT tax bill calculator, the median household will receive a tax cut of $380.
That's $31.67 per month, $7.31 per week.
Not all three. But 1 of them in a month.
For millions getting insurance on the individual market, their premium increase will swamp their tax cut.
Americans who rely on Medicaid, food stamps, ACA subsidies, etc. know losing those benefits will swamp their tax cut.
For some, having to care for elderly relatives would swamp their tax cut.
Thinking long term, $31.67 more a month won't help retirement savings, making SS and Medicare cuts even more of a problem.
Republicans say that won't happen, and the cuts will be extended.
But that means the deficit, and all the associated problems listed above, will get a lot worse.
For many Americans, functional roads and bridges is more valuable than $31.67 per month.
Others were hoping to get construction work. That's now dashed.
Here's a graph of real wages (blue) vs. real GDP (red) since 1980.
The tax cut should help growth, but it won't trickle down.
Wage increases might cover higher living expenses. $31.67 per month won't

They just saw Congress:
-say they had to do what their donors want
-let lobbyists influence a tax bill
-enrich the president & some Senators
Inequality makes that worse.
And millions who personally benefit care about the millions who'll be hurt.
It's not jealousy. It's not propaganda. It's an honest assessment of the facts.