First, safe to say the man is unhinged.

There are only two things going on in their heads at all times:
1) Avoiding shame
2) Posturing like they're worthy of admiration
That's it. There is nothing more.
Their life is an endless PR campaign and they are its most important audience.
Obviously that's absurd and is failing bigly.
1) A profound narcissist returning from a week of cocooning and profound self-delusion
2) A harsh return to the reality of how he's actually doing
4) An overwhelming compulsion to try to take credit for anything that might make others think more highly of him.
Voila! Today's tweets. Unhinged rants while taking credit for the sunrise.
1) Don't treat the sh** that comes out of their mouth as rational statements worthy of rational debate. They aren't.
2) Read past the "what" to the "why"
Trump is drowning.
...and even he knows that Fox News is but a small island in an ocean of bad press.
1) Brag without merit
2) Blame without reason
This is the death spiral of a narcissist.
Welcome to 2018. We're in for more of this before it gets better... but, oddly enough, the death spiral helps.
Keep ranting, Babyfingers. Never stop.
We see you.
There isn't one thing Trump has done that has remotely surprised me. Ppl who have lived with or worked for narcs see his shtick coming a mile away.
(See pinned thread)