Presumes a backroom deal w/ Trump.
Everyone except the FBI, Congressional Intel Cmte's, US Intel, FISA judges, Sater, Sergei, RUSSIA, Trump, etc.
First SIGINT portions corroborated Feb17.
3Jan18: FusionGPS NYT Op-Ed calls on Senate Judiciary Cmte to release testimony transcripts.
5Jan18: Grassley and Graham refer Steele for criminal probe, citing inconsistent statements—NOT inconsistent claims in Dossier.

Will this force the release of FusionGPS testimony? Maybe.
But it definitely means precedent has been set whereby the same criminal referral can be extended to Donald Trump Jr, who likely has a few "inconsistencies" in his 9-hour testimony to Sen Judiciary Cmte on 14Dec17.
This is why DirFBI Wray is at the end of his rope.
Nunes still coordinating release while GOP, Fox News, & Russia bots amplify the FBI "conspiracy."
#ObstructionOfJustice Tuesday.

—Not to steal his thunder, but I can confirm:
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW
(Room B103)
Washington DC 20530
(Office of Special Counsel Mueller)
Trump knew this.
11am EST: DOJ/FBI review Nunes memo.
5pm EST: House Intel Cmte vote on whether to declassify Nunes memo.
Careful wording by Sarah Sanders today (if not outright lie): "No one at the White House has actually *seen* the [Nunes] memo."
Multiple House Reps & WH aides already confirmed Trump was briefed on memo details & pushed for #ReleaseTheMemo public campaign.

Trump wants the Nunes memo published ASAP(!)... Even though Trump claims he hasn't seen it and won't allow DOJ routine opportunity to review it.
(Nunes' FBI surveillance memo will hit the internet in no sooner than 7 days).
1 Declassify Nunes memo.
2 Release memo to White House.
3 Bury Dem rebuttal memo.
4 Reject Dir Wray "fact" corrections.
5 Investigate DOJ/FBI for anything.
6 Goose-step over Russia probe.
*Crush prosecutorial independence.
"Major edits" after Cmte vote can delay Trump release, but won't stop it—remember: no one on HPSCI but Schiff & Gowdy actually reviewed memo before releasing it anyway.

(Nunes will get a chance to read the redacted Nunes memo that the White House just returned to the House Intel Cmte today 🙄).