Today wasn’t less busy than any other day this week. We were still boarding just as many patients. Acuity hasn’t decreased. But I had an experience this morning that set the tone for my day and in turn, set a gratitude chain in motion.
“Good morning, sir, what can I help you with?”
“Do you remember me?” he asked as his eyes searched mine. (5/x)
Countless new faces flood my world each day. I’m lucky I can remember where I put my keys, much less remember each and every patient. I can usually recognize a face though, even if I can’t match it with a name... (6/x)
Palms upward, I spoke honestly “your name rung a bell for me but I can’t place why...?”
“Two years ago...” he said... (7/x)
“Two years ago, you changed my life. You SAVED my life. You were the only person to speak candidly to me in a scary situation and that one thing made me decide to stay in the hospital when I wanted to leave.”
He continued “They told me later it was the Widowmaker. I’ve googled that. I know how lucky I am.”
While the ED stirred outside his door, I sat a while longer with him and we talked about his health, his family, his life. (12/x)
“Remember that it’s worth it” he said. Tears filled his eyes, then mine.
“I know you have all been so busy lately and you must be tired & overworked and sometimes it’s thankless but just remember. It’s worth it.”
Imagine. The power of words to live even after leaving the safety of our mouths - to stay, dried and rattling around in the heads & hearts of their recipients. (14/x)
18/18 ❤️