reg y x
outreg2 using my_output_file, ctitle(title describing reg y x) excel dec(3) e(all)
*excel says I want table in excel file; dec(3) is number of decimal places; e(all) is the regression statistics I want in table (can delete some later). 5/
reg y x z
estimates store b1
reg y x w
estimates store b2
coefplot b1 b2, vertical keep(x)
*keep(.) selects variables to plot; vertical sets axis. 7/
for example, unique studentid will tell you how many unique student ids are in your dataset. super helpful for making sense of messy data as you clean and organize.… 13/
estpost tabstat x, statistics(mean sd) columns(statistics) listwise
esttab using mytable.csv, main(mean) aux(sd) b(2) nostar unstack
* @athay20m suggests sutex for Tex. I will check it out… 27/27