You can’t be protected from deception unless you know how to recognise the techniques.…
We need to inform the public about this.

i. denial
ii. withholding (eg redacting all/part) relevant info info
iii. cherry picking/stacking the information to frame it in a misleading way
iv. to use info out of context
v. to fail to disclose conflict of interest re source etc

👉🏼overwhelming the target population w too much information - most of which cannot be processed in a timely manner (and often charge for it)
(A common technique of agencies forced to respond to OIA is to redact &/or use this technique)

to make it appear
i. something/someone is better than they actually are
ii. not as bad as they are
iii. use of Lesser of 2 Evils or
iv. No alternative argument

Note info on HyperGame…
K Knowledge
E Empowers
Y You
There is no doubt there is an Orwellian war on to control information, hence how we think and what we do.

i. the Lure
ii. the Reptitive Process
iii. the (apparent) unintentional mistake
iv. the “obvious” solution and
v. bad luck and can’t be attributed to anyone (plausible deniability)

i. denial info exists
ii. hiding info
iii. damaging info
iv. destroying info
v. pretending cherry picked provided info is all that there is etc

It involves corrupting truths w falsehoods or misleading info using a variety of Spin techniques
Dirty PR and Dirty Politics use this method.
Information may be presented in a misleading way; or partly or totally made up