What's that?……
Usually, parties tend not to argue over certain things (e.g. trade secrets, technology etc) being filed under seal - even without a protective order.
This is what the Feb 27th battle was about.…
Also CIG would have NO way to prevent Crytek from merging that into their CE base, thus making it public.
Trade secrets can also cover tech btw.
Similarly, the ones for the US entities are also known to a certain extent - even the shell companies. So it's curious why CIG was even objecting to this in the Feb 27th filing.
What's not known is if there are any investors still attached to them. And that's probably part of the reason for CIG being resistant (see Feb 27 filing) and filing a PO now.
It has been a HUGE sticking point for years - and with all sorts of allegations flying around. The most prevalent being that either they.
1) have NOT raised the money ($180m to date) claimed
2) have raised more than claimed
Filing a PO with the court is one way of doing that.
How Crytek responds, will ultimately guide the judge's decision
As a result, we now have another delay to April 13th - which is when the hearing happens.
Or if they found out CIG had barely enough money to be a going concern for 90 days; that they were operating month to month etc?
How about the debt load? Investor commitments etc?
Not to mention deposition statements which could ultimately impugn not only the characters involved, but also the entire project.
Does Sandi Gardiner have a SINGLE marketing degree, let alone two - from UCLA?
Did Ortwin, a lawyer & co-founder, really double dip by billing the corporate entities for his services as legal counsel?
Does Chris Roberts really make over $500K a year? And between him and Sandi, are they really costing the company almost $1m a year?
Is Sandi being paid not only a salary, but also SAG fees/rates for her performance in SQ42?
That's the sort of thing that depositions and discovery are for.
In the case of this project, it's all about following the money - and it's going to be a very interesting ride.
There may be other filings between now and 04/13 - even the MtD ruling could drop before then.
1) I am a Star Citizen backer
2) Though I have friends & contacts at both companies, I have no alliances to anyone in this fiasco.
3) My goal since July 2015, remains the same and unchanged. That being, to find out what happened to this project & the money.
5) So, ANYTHING that comes my way, I WILL leak it. And CIG is most welcome to take legal action, thus dragging me into the lawsuit.
Protective Order motion
Memo in support of motion
Proposed order
EVERYTHING is going to come out. And there isn't a DAMN thing that CIG can do about it.
And that's why CIG are panicking and filing this PO.
Remember back when I said we keep all this shit cuz we're gamers and we're all particularly autistic & have long term memory?

Making 2 - instead of 1 game, as per the licensing agreement (GLA)