But it's the FBI, not himself, Comey is protecting. This thread explains. Hope you'll read and share.

If you want to understand how Trump won the 2016 presidential election, it's imperative that you read this document and particularly the emails from October 23 and 24: judicialwatch.org/wp-content/upl…
...he was withholding the fact the NYC office had found up to *650,000* new Clinton emails.
It'd be extraordinary for McCabe to be bending over backwards in this way even as he was hiding up to 650,000 Clinton emails from his boss.
1) Comey refers to the Clinton investigation in the past tense.
2) Comey acknowledges he thinks the NYC FBI office is leaking.
It can't be true.
1) was *he* the one to disclose the emails to Comey on October 26?
2) does Comey so ardently defend him as having done nothing wrong?
3) does ProPublica say Comey knew of the "new" emails on October 3?
And what's more:
4) Why was McCabe at such great pains to raise the issue of his transparency on the Clinton email probe with Comey?
5) Why did the NYT write that Comey's reason for writing Congress *wasn't* his sudden discovery of new emails but his realization that info was "sure to leak"?
The problem—all three entities have told untruths here.
McCabe—per IG Horowitz—misled FBI investigators on whether *he* leaked.
Comey's timeline is nonsensical.
...why not just finish the FBI probe *pre-election*?
Answering questions from Sen. Leahy of Vermont, Comey said he was aggressively investigating pre-election leaks from the New York field office. He was visibly angry about them.
...and which President Trump says made him decide to *fire* Comey.
So perhaps it's no surprise Comey is trying to thread the needle with his own, *third* narrative—the problem being that that narrative just makes no sense whatsoever, as we've seen here.
In other words, *it protects the FBI*.
Trump's son Don retweeted this—as did Trump advisor Mike Flynn.