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May 11th 2023
1) 🧵When I was raped by my father in 1969, and got pregnant, I was sent to a nunnery/ orphanage to have the baby. I was locked in the attic for 3 months and had no air. My meal came. It was a few little things and a raw drumstick. I could not eat it. I left the drumstick .
2)🧵 Sister Mary Ann asked why I didn’t eat it. I told her it was raw. She said, “Mother Marie will be very angry” , and left. Later, Mother Marie came in with three other nuns and said, “Strip it”! I was about 8 mo preg. They took all my bedding and my nightgown and underwear..
3)🧵 I crouched down on the floor completely naked as the nuns laughed at me and how “big I had gotten”. Mother Marie said “Susan, you will learn to appreciate the food given to you!”. They walked out and locked the door. The cot had coil springs and my mattress was gone.
Read 5 tweets
May 11th 2023
Just watched the #CNNTownhall with 2024 Presidential candidate and former President @realDonaldTrump , as well as the post-townhall panel discussion.

One thing is clear: #America is a broken country. It's split right down the middle.

Racial divisions and #massshootings are peaking, the economy is cratering, #poverty and #homelessness are rising.

And meanwhile, the US government is involved in, or threatening to get involved in, wars from #Ukraine to #Taiwan to #Syria to #Iran to #NorthKorea.

When they should be working on healing the divisions in their own nation. White vs non-White, Rural vs Urban, Rich vs Poor, drug addiction, broken homes - all these are tearing America apart.

Read 18 tweets
May 11th 2023
Thread with a few highlights from the CNN Town-hall with Donald Trump.

January 6th
Trump on how he would have handled the war in Ukraine.
#CNNTownhall #TrumpCNN #ukraine
Trump on school shootings.
#CNNTownhall #Trump #GunViolence
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2023
This isn’t a town hall, it’s a Trump klan rally #CNNTownhall
This dumpster fire can only serve to hurt Trump and CNN. They’ll be lucky if it turns out no one is watching.
Did CNN know this would be such a hideous disaster? Yes.

Are more people than ever going to be done with CNN? Yes.

Will CNN boss Chris Licht survive this? Maybe not.

Will Trump benefit in any way from this? Not a chance. If anything it’ll cost him swing voters.
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2023
Trump has never been about Trump but about the Trump voter. Understanding the Trump supporter—the people laughing and clapping for him at this Town Hall—is perhaps the most important assignment in American political life, and neither side is interested in doing it #CNNTownhall
Trump refusing to be pressured into saying he wants Ukraine to win, insisting it's about saving lives rather than sides and thereby inviting the rage of the bipartisan, wall-to-wall support for more foreign wars, is a huge part of his appeal, both in terms of substance and style.
That was the most significant moment of the evening in terms of Trump's real significance, though I imagine the coverage will focus on all the other little outrages.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
You taking the Coronavirus vaccine cuts the chances of you having symptoms.

How did the vaccine lower the total case count?

Simple: Less symptomatic people means less of a spread. We behaved 12 months as if asymptotic people are an issue despite what Fauci said in March 2020.
Biden said at the #CNNTownHall that you won’t get infected if you take the Coronavirus vaccine.

This is misleading info but the beauty of a having a Dem POTUS is that what would have been a 48-hour-fact-check storm under Trump goes by without much noise.
Tens of millions of people think that taking the Coronavirus vaccine means they can’t get Coronavirus which is not the case. They CAN get it but will less likely have (bad) symptoms.

Why hasn’t the political media and the medicL field been open/clear about this all along?
Read 5 tweets
Jan 31st 2021
The key points from our recent op-ed @CNN pushing back (respectfully) against Dr. Fauci & @CDCDirector who earlier this week on #CNNTownHall were asked about #BetterMasks

Variants, precautionary principle, communication & more
cc @RanuDhillon @sri_srikrishna
-new more contagious #covid19 variants could mean infection w/ less exposure time - better viral transmission needs better protection; cloth masks better than no masks, surgical better than cloth, but the bar must be raised now

-still transmit by droplets & aerosols
3/ -aerosol transmission better stopped by N95 masks (or equivalents, KF94, KN95, FFP2) or some surgical masks; electrostatic charge traps small particles; cloth masks not designed to do this

-cloth mask market & surgical mask market is poorly regulated; quality highly variable
Read 11 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
Short thread
1/ As much as we have been tweeting lately about #BetterMasks, & as much as wearing masks that offer higher source control & personal protection could quickly paralyze #covid19 transmission- even these are but one more tool in our playbook; they are not the only one.
2/ With that being said, the responses to our push for #BetterMasks from Drs. Fauci & Walensky last night on #CNNTownHall were frustrating- essentially "a mask is better than no mask" & "N95s are hard to tolerate for long periods of time"

3/ To bring more nuance here, I have said many times this would not be as simple as "mass produce N95s"- you still need to make sure the fit is correct & that people are using them consistently during high transmission risk situations both outside AND sometimes inside the house
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Jan 28th 2021
1/ One point of resistance from some is that we don't "need" #BetterMasks for the general public

Yet we still have people saying they took "all precautions" & got infected (while wearing a cloth or surgical mask)- many have reached out to me w/ this story…
2/ @RanuDhillon & I wrote this WaPo piece earlier in the epidemic to highlight that we still do not have a solid grasp on relative contributions of various modes of transmission (think droplets v aerosols as one over-simplified version of this)
3/ Part of the issue is that we have been falling behind on contact tracing since the very beginning of the epidemic & still are.

Moreover, if tracing is only looking for transmission within 6 feet/ 15 minutes, that is what it will find #covid19

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Jan 28th 2021
1/ On #CNNTownHall today- @drsanjaygupta and @AC360 asked Dr. Fauci & @RWalensky @CDCDirector about #BetterMasks

They pressed them on key points- should people get access to #BetterMasks?

Will the federal government help get these masks to people (N95s as an example)?
2/ Fauci responded saying "the most important thing is that you wear a mask"

Yes- we agree

A mask > no mask

But a high filtration mask > "a mask"

That last point is not really a "debate"- N95 masks are #bettermasks than cloth & surgical masks bc of fit & regulation on quality
3/ He then says we must "get everybody to wear a mask"

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen

Thankfully it doesn't need to!

Need enough people wearing masks in high risk transmission scenarios to stop cluster based spread

In these scenarios, high filtration masks key
Read 11 tweets
Dec 19th 2020
The #CNNTownHall, #TheColorOfCOVID, is one of the most critically important hours on TV. It will repeat later tonight and you can watch it online at, later. BIPOC are disproportionately impacted by the #coronavirus in cases and deaths, in all age groups.
.@donlemon reports that "even if deemed safe by scientists" as the two approved #vaccines have been, "35% of Black Americans would still not be willing to take the vaccine." But they were willing to take the #vaccine if their personal physician recommended it.
Sandra Lindsay, dir of critical care nursing in NYC, was the 1st person in the US to get the vaccine. A Jamaican immigrant. She says, "The legacy of the past [Tuskeegee] looms darkly over Black and brown people. But in 26yrs of nursing I have never felt so afraid as from covid."
Read 10 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
"I've condemned every form of violence, no matter what the source is...The President is yet to condemn... the far-right and the white supremacist, and those guys walking around with the AK-47s and not doing a damn thing about them" - @JoeBiden at #CNNTownHall
@JoeBiden Not only has Trump failed to condemn armed insurrectionists and vigilantes -- he has *defended them* and *cheered them on*…
@JoeBiden And remember there is a *long list* of right-wing domestic terrorists who killed and injured Americans out of allegiance to Trump and his ideology.

Here's just a sampling: Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 3rd 2020
We need @CNN to start asking governors what they’re doing to depopulate prisons and jails in order to curb the spread of #COVID19 inside and out.

Send your questions here:…
@CNN How should incarcerated people protect themselves from infection? #CNNTownhall
@CNN How will the spread of #COVID19 in prisons and jails impact the public? #CNNTownhall
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Feb 25th 2020
The failure of the MSM to vet white male candidates the way women and BIPOC candidates are vetted is why we are on a trajectory from the most diverse primary in US history to one between three 78yr old white men whose names begin with B. It's journalistic malpractice.
The outrage over Bernie lauding Castro should have been addressed in 2016. I wrote about it then, so it was definitely doable. And between the @60Minutes interview and the #CNNTownHall, Anderson Cooper could have Googled Castro & education and challenged Bernie again. He didn't.
This detailed piece in @TheAtlantic elucidates what Castro was doing with his "education" plan. It was 100% an indoctrination process to build support for the revolution. And it was funded by the Soviet Union--then a Communist megalith.…
Read 8 tweets
Feb 19th 2020
.@BernieSanders on #CNNTownHall: "To be for the Israeli people and to be for peace in the Middle East does not mean that we have to support right wing racist governments that currently exist in Israel...
@BernieSanders ...And let me tell you this also, and I feel strongly about it, as somebody who's Jewish, and knowing how much our people have suffered over the years...
...Take a look at what's going on in Gaza right now. You got youth unemployment 70%, you know people can't even leave the area...
Read 9 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
Deval Patrick is on CNN doing his NH town hall right now. Tulsi hasn't been given a TV town hall by any corporate media network since LAST MARCH and she's demonstrated more support in NH than Deval Patrick by every conceivable metric. Amazingly blatant, malicious marginalization
Look at this and explain how you can conclude anything other than an active, intentional effort by corporate media to exclude a candidate challenging foreign policy consensus
Read this. The evidence for concerted media malice is overwhelmingly and indisputable
Read 6 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
Whooboy. Do NOT tell me that being a married gay person is just the same as being a married straight person. You have ALWAYS had the legal right to marry. We have had it for FOUR YEARS. We do not have any of the other legal rights you have.
3 lesbian teacher friends of mine have been fired for getting married. So when Cuomo asks Buttigieg about his marriage and asks him to speak to #LGBTQ folks in America about this, I think about what it would have meant to me as a kid to have #BarbaraJordan come out.
Also, a woman CHANGED HER VOTE in #IowaCaucus when she discovered that Buttigieg was gay because, as the precinct captain told the press, "I don't want THAT in the White House."
Read 4 tweets
May 21st 2019
10. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
2. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
Read 82 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
1/? Despite knowing it was a gotcha question, despite knowing exactly what headlines would be spun out of it, Bernie defended his proposal to let prisoners vote in last night's #CNNTownHall. No "let's have a conversation about it" (Kamala), no rejecting it out of hand (Buttigieg)
2/? This required both moral and political courage, and is why Bernie has been able to shift the bar on issue after issue. America stuffs its poor and minority population into for-profit prisons under drug laws that have deliberately targeted and criminalized them.
3/? Former Nixon advisor John Erlichman laid it out very clearly: drug policy was a way to attack the president's enemies. "Disrupting their communities," of course, was a euphemistic way of saying "ruining their lives." Full article:…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
Lets talk about guns. @KamalaHarris just proposed the most aggressive executive actions on guns in history. If Congress fails to pass a gun safety bill w/n her first 100 days as president, she'll take action herself. It's simple: We're not waiting any longer. #CNNTownHall 1/
Here's what she wants on her desk: universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, & repeal of the @NRA’s corporate gun immunity bill. We have good ideas. Now we need the courage to do what's right. So if Rs continue to cower to the @NRA, she'll take them on herself...2/
1) Mandate near-universal background checks by requiring anyone who sells 5+ guns/year to run checks on all gun sales. Today in America, 1 of 5 gun purchases occur w/o a background check. Why? Bc federal law only requires gun "dealers" to perform checks. Who's a dealer? 🤷‍♂️3/
Read 15 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
Starting tonight, we will see a lot of new people having a lot of questions and gut reactions about the idea of universal basic income. Please help direct them to answers using my UBI FAQ by either linking to it or the urls it links to.

Among the most frequently asked questions of all among those first hearing about universal basic income is the concern that prices will rise. This goes into that question in-depth & even includes applicable evidence from the Alaska dividend.

Another one of the most asked questions about universal basic income is if too many people will stop working if they no longer are forced to work to live. I wrote this article to answer that question and about the question itself.

#YangGang #Yang2020…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 10th 2019
.@SenGillibrand literally just said, with a straight face, and to applause, that the @NRA is against the “Violence Against Women Act” because it wants men and predators to have easy access to guns to use them to kill women. #CNNTownHall
Now @SenGillibrand sidesteps a question on funding charter schools and goes into funding for public schools, continuing her set of rehearsed, prepared answers. #CNNTownHallSham
What a beautiful, sanctimonious ending, wherein @SenGillibrand claimed she is a public servant for good and that she was put on this planet to help people (but still considers Hillary Clinton a role model?) #GillibrandTownHallSham
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Mar 11th 2019
From Puget Sound to Tucson and from Des Moines to Milledgeville, GA -- thank you to everyone who organized their friends, neighbors, and members of their local community to watch the #CNNTownHall tonight. ImageImageImageImage
More #CNNTownHall watch parties from Pulaski County, Indiana; Olney, Maryland; Durham, North Carolina; and Palm Springs, California. ImageImageImageImage
And St. Louis, Chicago, LA, and D.C watched the #CNNTownHall, too. ImageImageImageImage
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Feb 19th 2019
.@amyklobuchar says “We have to get to universal health care.” She says US could get there by expanding choice via Medicare and Medicaid & controlling drug prices #cnntownhall
Public option is a part of it, but sees Medicare for all as “something for the future”
In my 1st day of my Pres admin, return US to climate pact, return to fed fuel standards, green jobs. Calls #GreenNewDeal “aspirational” and something to move towards, a debate-starter
Read 19 tweets

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