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Elizabeth Reiher @tonomoshia
, 123 tweets, 191 min read Read on Twitter
R3D001: Statrted @udacity Front End NanoDegree (FEND) yesterday. #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle #udacity
R3D002: Cruising through HTML and CSS, filling in gaps. #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
R3D003: Re-doing Animal Trading Card (HTML/CSS) in @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysofCode #GrowWithGoogle
R3D004: Today was all about the box model and semantic elements on @udacity Front End Nanodegree. #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
R3D005: Working with text alignment, vertical alignment, and line height. Having trouble with the Udacity Chrome Grader extension loading on a file stored on computer. @Udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
Also did some work in my @Skillcrush blueprint.
R3D006: Today I am working on 'Positioning' elements. @Udacity Front End Nanodegreee #100DaysOfCode #GrowwithGoogle
R3D007: Learning to get better with my code editor with Alan Simpson's short @udemy course "Beginner VS Code". #100DaysOfCode Thank you for the freebie! 😁
R3D007: Attending BocaJS meetup to learn about using heroku, google cloud, aws, pm2 & azure,, to Publish your App to ALL the clouds... yes. ALL of them!… #100DaysOfCode
R3D008: Re-did Animal Trading Cards project @udacity Front End Nanodegree and started working with responsive pages and media queries. #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle Attended a webinar on node.js with @learn2program.
R3D009: Attended South Florida WordPress Meetup Group and learned about speeding up your website, the Divi theme, the Elementor plugin, the concept of "Create Once Publish Everywhere" and what's new in WordPress this month. #100DaysOfCode
R3D009: Continued in @udacity Front End Nanodegree with media queries and a webinar about problem solving and debugging. #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
R3D010: working with breakpoints, grids, and Flexbox in CSS @Udacity Front End Nanodegree with #GrowWithGoogle #100DaysOfCode #maythe4thbewithyou
R3D011: Learned about common responsive patterns: column drop, mostly fluid, layout shifter and off canvas @ udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
RD3012: Learning about responsive images and responsive tables in @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
@udacity R3D013: Slight detour. Taking the @Udacity Responsive Images course before finishing the Home Town Project in the #FrontEndNanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle
R3D014: Almost finished with Lesson 2: "Units, Formats, Environments" in @udacity Responsive Images course. Now have to do project with ImageMagick and Grunt. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D015: Learned about writing good readme files and started portfolio project @Udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D016: still working on @udacity portfolio project for @udacity Front End Nanodegree. #100daysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars Also discovered @codesandboxapp today. Super cool way to work on your project from any computer or even your iPad.
R3D017: Continuing work on the @udacity Front End Nanodegree portfolio project. Had to crack open the gem, HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett to refresh my memory and provide context. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D018: Took a break for Mother's Day, came back today and finally submitted @udacity Front End Nanodegree portfolio project. Not gonna lie--finally made it work with @getbootstrap. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D018: Now we are thrown into intermediate JavaScript having done beginner Javascript a month or two ago. Feels like a tornado just hit my brain. #100DaysOfCode @udacity #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D019: Today’s ES6 in @udacity Front End Nanodegree: Template literals, restructuring arrays and objects, object literal shorthand and iteration. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D20: Today’s ES6 in @Udacity Front End Nanodegree - spread operator and rest operator. That was rough! #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D021: TIL in @udacity Front End Nanodegree about working in the shell and using shell commands. Some was review and some was new. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D022: Finished the shell workshop and started the content on version control @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Mostly review. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D023: Getting deep into Git with @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100daysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D024: Continuing deep dive into Git. Resubmitted my project for code review (I love code review--another chance to get better!). @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
Been traveling these past two days.
No work on my @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Did watch a great session about Navigating Your Emgineering Interview with Michelle Lai of @triple_byte #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D025: A wee bit of Git before checking out of the hotel @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D026: Finally finished Git and now working in Javascript again and looking at The Document Object Model @udacity Front End Nanodegree. So hard to get stuff done on family vacation with a toddler. #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D027: Working in the DOM and getting elements by ID, Class and Tag @udacuty Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
Thank you for MDN resources. They rock!
R3D028: Back home and back in the saddle with the DOM de DOM DOM DOM and starting “Creating Content with Javascript in @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysofCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
R3D029 (yesterday): updating content with Javascript with .textContent, .innerHTML and .innerText @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D030: Creating new content with JavaScript with .createElement, .createTextNode, .appendChild and insertAdjacentHTML methods. @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D030: Removing content with JavaScript with .removeChild and .remove methods. @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity R3D030: Attended a great BocaJS meetup: Getting Your Node App Running in Docker. Met @codingCommander…
#100DaysOfCode #MomsWhoCode
@udacity @codingCommander R3D031: Styling page content with JavaScript @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Also peeked ahead at memory game project and rubric so I can focus on what I need to learn to complete the project. #!00DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity @codingCommander R3D032: Working with browser events in JavaScript, starting with respond to events using .addEventListener(). @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsWhoCode
R3D033: More work with browser events. Learned about removing event listeners and phases of an event. @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsWhoCode
@udacity R3D034: Finished up “Working with Browser Events” by learning about event delegation and loading js scripts when the DOM is ready with DOMContentLoaded event @udacity Front End Nanodegree #GoogleUdacityScholars #100DaysOfCode #MomsWhoCode
@udacity R3D034: Now it is time to re-do the pixel art maker. Here is the one I did the first time around.… @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #GrowWithGoogle #MomsWhoCode
@udacity R3D035: TIL about performance (reflow and repaint, the call stack, the event loop and setTimeout) @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Finished re-doing the Pixel Art Maker last night.…
#100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsWhoCode
R3D036: Much to my chagrin, I discovered that I left my Mac at home this morning. So I am reading Eloquent JavaScript instead of working on @Udacity Front End Nanodegree for lunch. Will have to put in some more time tonight. #100DaysOfCode #CodeForLunch
@udacity R3D037: Learning about #a11y for the first time. I have heard bits and pieces about #a11y thanks to @click2carney before, but this is my first formal learning session about it. /1
@udacity @click2carney R3D037: Interesting to note that accessible websites are really better for everyone, not just people with impairments. I myself have had trouble navigating websites with a screen reader for a family member, so I know there are things that need to improved. /2 #a11y #100DaysOfCode
@udacity @click2carney R3D038: Did 1.5 hr work on Project 2 (memory game) and then when I couldn’t take it anymore, went back to @udacity FEND accessibility coursework where we are focusing on “focus". Thank you to my son for pushing me today. #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@udacity @click2carney R3D038: Also read some Eloquent JavaScript today in preparation for Dev Book Club tomorrow. My cohort is boss!
R3D039: More work on the memory game (project 2). Unfortunately what was working yesterday is not working today so it’s time to go over it again and see if I find a bug in the code soup @udacity FEND #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #bughunting
R3D039: on deck for tomorrow #100DaysOfCode @udacity Front End Nanodegree
@udacity R3D040: TIL how to use Lighthouse Audits inside Chrome Developer tools to run an accessibility audit on a website. @udacity #100DaysOfCode #a11y #MomsCanCode
R3D040: watching some videos to bone up on what I need to know for project 2, the memory game. Looking forward to Study Jam on Thursday @udacity FEND #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #GrowWithUdacity
@udacity R3D041 Still wandering in the land of the lost with this memory game project @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Seems I am not alone based on what I see in Slack. #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
@udacity R3D042: Semantics Basics in Accessibility @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #a11y #CodeNewbie #MomsCanCode
@udacity R3D043: Navigating Content with a screen reader through headings, links and landmarks @udacity Front End NanoDegree #100DaysOfCode#a11y #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsCanCode
@udacity R3D044: First half of unit on WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) @udacity Front End NanoDegree #a11y #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #GrowWithGoogle #MomsCanCode
@udacity R3D045: Second half of unit on WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative – Accessible Rich Internet Applications) @udacity Front End NanoDegree #a11y #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #GrowWithGoogle #MomsCanCode
R3D046: TIL about incorporating CSS styling into accessible web design @udacity Front End NanoDegree #100DaysOfCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsCanCode #a11y
R3D047: finished CSS styles for accessibility (#a11y) and started #JavaScript Objects in Depth @audacity Front End NanoDegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars
@audacity @udacity R3D048: Attending JavaScript for WordPress Virtual Conference
#JSForWPConf #100DaysOfCode #ThanksZacGordon #WordPress
@audacity @udacity R3D048: Now it’s time for Training Teams “Deeply” with @rzen. I enjoyed his session at @wordcampmiami 2018 so I am looking forward to this. #JSForWPConf #100DaysOfCode #WordPress #JS @zgordon
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D049: working through #javascript
Language Basics from @zgordon. I appreciate the clarity of his instruction and that it is from the perspective of a #WordPress developer.…
#100DaysOfCode #JS #MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D051: Continuing to work through #JavaScript “Functions at Runtime” @udacity Front End NanoDegree #100DaysOfCode #GrowWithGoogle #GoogleUdacityScholars #MomsCanCode #LunchNCode

Funny that yesterday was my 50/100 and also the exact half point of the year. Weird.
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D052 & R3D053: finished Functions at Runtime yesterday and started Classes and Objects today @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #JavaScript #JS #GrowWithGoogle #GoogleUdacityScholars
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D053: Scope and Arrays in @codecademy Introduction to #JavaScript not to be confused with the “Learn JavaScript” course I took a while back. I think this is an update for ES6.
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D054: Dev Book Club this morning where we discussed chapter 8 of Eloquent JavaScript on Bugs and Errors
#100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #JS #GoogleUdacityScholars
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy R3D054: Finished Classes and Objects in #JavaScript with lessons on constructor functions, ‘this’ keyword, and prototypal inheritance. I see more @YouTube in my future. These concepts are tricky. #100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #JS #GoogleUdacityScholars
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy @YouTube R3D055: Started section on ES6 Functions and TIL about ‘this’ with arrow functions, as well as default function parameters which are pretty cool. Finally something that isn’t Greek to me. #100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript #MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy @YouTube R3D056: a super breezy introduction to ES6 #JavaScript Classes and Subclasses. Finished section on ES6 Functions @udacity Front End Nanodegree.
#100DaysOfCode #JS #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
@audacity @udacity @rzen @wordcampmiami @zgordon @Codecademy @YouTube R3D056: Started Lesson on ES6 #JavaScript “Built-ins” and learned about symbols, iteration and iterable protocols, and sets @udacity Front End Nanodegreee. #100DaysOfCode #JS #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
R3D056: My meetup got cancelled so I had some free time at the library. Finished @zgordon’s An Introduction to JavaScript course. Last bit of the course is #JavaScript loops and functions.…
#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #BCL #JS #WordPress #MomsCanCode
@zgordon R3D057: Today continued with the #JavaScript ES6 “Built-Ins” and learned about WeakSets, Maps, WeakMaps, and started on Promises @udacity Front End Nanodegree #100DaysofCode #JS #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
@zgordon @udacity R3D058: Finished up #JavaScript ES6 “Built-Ins” with proxies, getting and setting, generators and iterators, and yield keyword @udacity Front End Nanodegree
#100DaysofCode #JS #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
@zgordon @udacity R3D058: Completed ES6 “Professional Developer-fu” which was about polyfills and transpiring ES6 code to ES5 with @babeljs @udacity Front End Nanodegree

#100DaysofCode #JS #JavaScript #MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D059: Working on scopes and closures in Object-Oriented #JavaScript course @Udacity. A little detour from FEND to get into more detail.
#100DaysOfCode #JS
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D059: Learned about ES6’s Object.assign() and mixins in section on Object-Oriented Design Patterns in @udacity Front End Nanodegree.…
#100DaysOfCode #JS
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D060: TIL how to use scope and closures to create private properties and methods in an object —the module pattern @udacity Front End Nanodegree.…
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #LunchNCode #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D060: TIL about the Revealing Module Pattern, a slight variation on the Module Pattern which uses IIFE's, local variables/functions, and a returned object literal with revealed data.
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D60: working on project 2 during our Saturday study jam @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Hoping for free 🍕
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs R3D61: Finished Loops section in @codecademy Introduction to JavaScript course.
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie #LunchNCode
@zgordon @udacity @babeljs @Codecademy R3D062: Awesome optimizations @udacity FEND including:
Minification uglify
Image optimization and compression

#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
R3D062: "Automate the automation" with scaffolding @udacity Front End Nanodegree using tools like @yeoman and

#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp R3D063: a couple days off with a sick toddler. Back in the saddle with “Rethinking Testing”, an introduction to Test Driven Development @udacity Front End Nanodegree @BrowardLibrary
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary R3D063: started ‘Writing Test Suites’ and learning about Jasmine @udacity Front End Nanodegree
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary R3D063: some @lynda learning on Learning Path: Become a Front-End Web Developer
#MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda R3D064: Finished ‘Writing Test Suites” lesson and moving on to Feed Reader Test project.
@udacity Front End Nanodegree
#100DaysOfCode #JS #JavaScript
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #growwithgoogle
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd R3D066 & 67: Continued working on the feedreader test project. Started lesson @udacity FEND on “Changing Expectations” which talks about ever changing requirements and avoiding spaghetti code.
#MomsCanCode #LunchNCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd R3D068: Finished “Changing Expectations” lesson and learned about model view controller/presenter/ etc architectural patterns.
#MomsCanCode #LunchNCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie #GrowWithGoogle
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd R3D068: a little bit of @freecodecamp Liking the new additions; I have some gaps to fill since they added new material.
#MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd @freeCodeCamp R3D068: TIL about CSS Variables @freecodecamp. Now I am sorry I missed the CSS Variables session at @wordcampmiami
#MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie #WordPress
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd @freeCodeCamp @wordcampmiami R3D070: working on project. Feeling stumped but still trying. I have a 1-on-1 for Sunday night so I at least want to know what to ask.
@udacity Front End Nanodegree
@BrowardLibrary Co-Working Hub
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie
@udacity @yeoman @h5bp @BrowardLibrary @lynda @jasminebdd @freeCodeCamp @wordcampmiami R3D071: My 1-on1 went well. Figured how to fix a rather large issue in my memory game project. This is why I wanted the nanodegree. That one on one support means so much.
@udacity Front End Nanodegree
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie
@udacity R3072: Started 'Lesson 2: Refactoring with Separation of Concerns" in Front End Applications section of @udacity Front End Nanodegree
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie
#GrowWithGoogle #LunchNCode
R3072: Finished 'Lesson 2: Refactoring with Separation of Concerns" in Front End Applications section of @udacity Front End Nanodegree
Spaghetti code be gone! 🍝
#MomsCanCode #GoogleUdacityScholars #CodeNewbie
@udacity @freeCodeCamp R3073: Beginning to learn about async promises in #JavaScript @udacity Front End Nanodegree
@udacity @freeCodeCamp R3D074: Finished the Applied Visual Design section of @freeCodeCamp
R3074: I was a #WordPress tourist today. I went to the meetup in the next county over, Palm Beach. 🚗
Nice group of people, because #WordPress techies are the nicest techies you will meet!
R3D075: Completed the Applied Accessibility challenges on @freeCodeCamp
@freeCodeCamp R3076: more Promises in #JavaScript @udacity Front End Nanodegree. Don’t quite understand it.
@freeCodeCamp @udacity R3D077: Completed the Responsive Web Design Challenges @freeCodeCamp
@freeCodeCamp @udacity R3D078: more promises and memory game work @udacity Front End Nanodegree. @BrowardLibrary
Co-Working Hub
@freeCodeCamp @udacity @BrowardLibrary R3D078: Completed the CSS Flexbox
challenges @freecodecamp @ browardlibrary co-working hub.
@freeCodeCamp @udacity @BrowardLibrary R3D079: Completed lesson on ‘Features of Single Page Apps’ in @udacity Front End Nanodegree.
@udacity R3D080: began the lesson :“Examine a Framework’s Source” with @backbone_js in @udacity Front End Nanodegree
@udacity @backbone_js R3D081 (yesterday): some work in Tony Alicea’s @udemy course: #JavaScript, the Weird Parts.
@udacity R3D082: @udacity Front End Nanodegree #JavaScript Design Patterns: Using an Organization Library
@udacity R3D082: back to “Examine a Framework’s Source” with @backbone_js in @udacity Front End Nanodegree.
R3D082: The introduction of the service worker was hype! 🔥🔥🔥
But also realizing I am so behind as I see some of my classmates getting their @udacity Front End Nanodegree certificates already.
@udacity R3D082: Finished 1/4 of the lesson on service workers. @udacity Front End Nanodegree.
@udacity R3D083: Intro to Dev Ops - CALMS, the DevOps Lifecycle
@udacity Front End Nanodegree
@udacity R3D084: more work with service workers 👩‍🏭👷‍♂️ @udacity Front End Nanodegree
R3D085: #byteconf (yesterday) #100DaysOfCode #JavaScript #reactjs @byteconf. Really loved @ka11away talk on applying the science of habit formation to learning to code. Useful for parents who are helping their kids develop habits as well.
R3D086: Did Survey Form Responsive Web Design Project on @freecodecamp. 3 projects down, 2 to go on that section.…
#100DaysOfCode #MomsCanCode #CodeNewbie
@freeCodeCamp R3D086: more work on service workers @udacity Front End Nanodegree
@freeCodeCamp @udacity R3D087: Portfolio webinar and 2 React webinars @udacity Front End Nanodegree plus work on product landing page on @freecodecamp.
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