…and by suggesting the rival school isn’t Christian. religionnews.com/2018/04/30/fal…

For context, here is the original story: religionnews.com/2018/04/27/lib…
This was AFTER his own staff confirmed that GCU was, in fact, now the largest Christian university AND admitted they were already scrubbing the claim from their website.

Note: this definition would exclude schools like Notre Dame, which Liberty is said to aspire to emulate.
When pressed, Falwell offered this clarification.

This is a bit technical, but when boasting about its size, Liberty typically touts very large numbers that correlate with a very specific metric: “12-month unduplicated headcount.” GCU now outpaces them there. (graph from original story)

Falwell argues this means Liberty can continue to claim to be the “largest Christian university” AND that GCU (if considered Christian by Liberty) ALSO can.

BUT, it’s worth noting @JohnFea1’s point: the bigger question may be…why does Liberty/Falwell/any school CARE about these metrics?
Perhaps that’s for another story…

I now have an absurd number of receipts.